Beginner Shooters part 1 -TCSS Thread

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I'm now feeling troubled.

I'm not sure how to propose to both my father and mother on my dilemma to get the 2 lenses.

Please do teach me tips or two on how do I propose.

2 options
Option 1: show them some lousy photos taken using some other lens, then show them really good photos taken using the 2 lens you want. Tell them you can achieve the good photo standard only with such good lens. 工欲善其事,必先利其器 ma

Option 2:Get good grades for your exams. Then ask for it as a reward. At least you work for it, so you won't feel that guilty. Of course, you must get good grades la.

Odyssey-Boy X CleonBus
Collaboration Outings

October 2010

[1] This is CRAZY !
Singapore's Fastest Civic FD Photoshoot

[2] Guide on STREETS, walkabout to capture moments of the lifes on streets
P.S, will be guided by a knowledgeable guy, who is also my in-the-back scenes SHIFU

[3] Light Streaks, OVERHEAD Bridge to capture movements of the moving vehicles
(Might be) will be guided by a knowledgeable guy, who is also my in-the-back scenes SHIFU

Odyssey-Boy X CleonBus
Collaboration Outings
November 2010

[1] G.I.R.L N.E.X.T D.O.O.R
A CASUAL shoot with a female friend of mine.
[2] To-The-Extreme CAR Hunt !
A fanatic SEARCH for Exotic Cars ranging from Lamboghini, Ferrari, Porsche

[3] The Prime Lens Show Down !
A shoot out with only PRIME lens, we'll roam the streets and rule the world !
be it 35mm, 50mm, OR 85mm
[4] Architectural LOOK OUT !
We will be doing a shoot on BUILDINGS, we will appreciate the lines and curves of it !

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I am super busy in Oct, but just put down my name 1st as i really hope to meet your shifu to learn. Hope i can join when the actual date is confirmed. But i only have kit lens for streets.

Odyssey-Boy X CleonBus
Collaboration Outings

October 2010

[1] This is CRAZY !
Singapore's Fastest Civic FD Photoshoot

[2] Guide on STREETS, walkabout to capture moments of the lifes on streets
P.S, will be guided by a knowledgeable guy, who is also my in-the-back scenes SHIFU

[3] Light Streaks, OVERHEAD Bridge to capture movements of the moving vehicles
(Might be) will be guided by a knowledgeable guy, who is also my in-the-back scenes SHIFU

Odyssey-Boy X CleonBus
Collaboration Outings
November 2010

[1] G.I.R.L N.E.X.T D.O.O.R
A CASUAL shoot with a female friend of mine.
[2] To-The-Extreme CAR Hunt !
A fanatic SEARCH for Exotic Cars ranging from Lamboghini, Ferrari, Porsche

[3] The Prime Lens Show Down !
A shoot out with only PRIME lens, we'll roam the streets and rule the world !
be it 35mm, 50mm, OR 85mm
[4] Architectural LOOK OUT !
We will be doing a shoot on BUILDINGS, we will appreciate the lines and curves of it !

Odyssey-Boy, for the Oct outing, i am not available on 16th Oct (needs to go back army camp) so please don't put the street outing on that day, ok.

Odyssey-Boy, for the Oct outing, i am not available on 16th Oct (needs to go back army camp) so please don't put the street outing on that day, ok.


ahh i want to go, i need the developing stuffs!

but i cant go coz i got concert to shoot ): ~

cleon can help me get the developing stuffs? please :cry:

Developing stuff=film accessories right?

Still confused about these darkroom things:confused:

Outing rules and guidelines updated again(Post 808)...

Why all your outings on weekdays.....????? Cannot go.........:cry::(

Got meh?This Sat have one.After that i'll be stopping Sat outings and continuing Sat outings from the 3rd week of Sept:)

haha.. still got Odyssey-Boy outing. Put your name down.. See which one you want to go.

He steal all my Sat slots for Oct and Nov liao.How i organize my usual Sat outings?:cry:

Never mind.There's still Fri evening:sticktong

He steal all my Sat slots for Oct and Nov liao.How i organize my usual Sat outings?:cry:

Never mind.There's still Fri evening:sticktong

Cannot la... exam now....:(

But it should end by this week right?Cos next week is term 3 week 10 liao,should be 'watching movies' lesson mah...

NO, exam start this week and end next Friday.........
Have to eat dinner now and then go study. Tomorrow Chinese....... Very tough........

NO, exam start this week and end next Friday.........
Have to eat dinner now and then go study. Tomorrow Chinese....... Very tough........ weird.Good luck for your exams anyway.Jiayou:thumbsup:

yup yup
please help me get please ! :cry:

See how 1st.Maybe others will 'reserve' it too leh.And i don't want to carry all those things home and carry them out to meet you again...

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