Before the Storm

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Nothing more to describle ...... Like the rest had said Awesome ........STILL AWESOME ...... Neat & Cool piece of work;)

i saw your work at the front cover of TOP UK magazine latest copy and most amazing u are only 20 year old two year in photography u are my idol.

Fantastic pictures with photoshop....

That's kind of pictures that do require photoshop....

Good work! :thumbsup:

Woah how did this get dug up again. I thought CS had some policy regarding this -_-;;;

Well, that just shows just how great your works are! :thumbsup: People are still viewing your works and bombarding you with praises even though you posted the thread 10 mths ago! I must say again Great Work!! You're inspiration for many!



Hey ... brilliant stuff , it appears on Digital Photography Oct issue, even as a cover page!

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