Beauty of Smoking.

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Senior Member
Apr 20, 2003
Dedicated to all smokers out there. You CAN find beauty in smoking. So i keep telling myself. :what: ;p


Originally posted by jon33
nice lighting captured :)

btw its that yr thumb's reflection in the ashtray?
inside the ashtray? think it's my ceiling and the black part is my bookshelf!

as for the outside i have no idea.. maybe the side of my desk?

on the side of the ashtray, i meant. anyway i like it, simple compositions are usually the best.

1. tighter crop of the left side? use the smoke to lead yr eyes to the cig?
2. i don't really get feeling of 'beauty' but rather of something that's burning away...



actually i added the black space on the left. i know wat u mean by cropping it off and leading the eyes in..

but in this instance, i dunno.. i just thought a bit of blank space gives it more room to "breathe", creates more space, not so cram kind of thing. i dunno man ahhahaha

hmm..but makes it kind of hard for me view on screen cos its so l o n g:D

don't smoke too much man, i managed to stay off for sometime already..more $$ in pocket to spend on film :)

tho i sometimes do miss the first cig of the day before breakfast....

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