Availibility of D800 in Singapore (Part 2)

Dfive said:
Selling at $37XX..... whats the XX ??? :S

Aiya... Between S$3,700 and S$3,799 only... Looks good even in the worst case.

Saw the stock at TK D800 and D800E, SLRR D800E today.. go and buy .... haha

Yes, GST included! I was there myself to check it out in person before he picked it up. Pretty good deal I reckon.

Thanks for the confirmation..i wonder how long more it will hold...before it drop like the d800...d800 drop from 4.2k to 3.8k like within 1 week. good good good :)

just bought my d800 ystd at TK foto funan at $3750..

vansyahrul said:
just bought my d800 ystd at TK foto funan at $3750..

Keep shooting with u new gear!!!

Tempting to make my move, but still can wait awhile more…not really in need…hopefully the price may drop some more to 3.5k in another few weeks…with the announcement of D600…than I'll rush in…lol…
Cheer to those new owners!!

If there is D600 announcement it is about 1 month away. Can most people wait 1 month?

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eg "I bought D800 for $xxxx from xxx store yesterday." "xxx store quoted me $xxxx for D800 last week"

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Leykid1634 said:
Tempting to make my move, but still can wait awhile more…not really in need…hopefully the price may drop some more to 3.5k in another few weeks…with the announcement of D600…than I'll rush in…lol…
Cheer to those new owners!!

Dont think so... D600 is not a replacement for d800, and d800 users will not sell their d800 to downgrade to a lower end FX.

trd2970 said:
Dont think so... D600 is not a replacement for d800, and d800 users will not sell their d800 to downgrade to a lower end FX.

Dear trd2970, thanks for explaining.
I do understand D600 is not the replacement of D800, but its a cheaper Nikon FX...So some may directed to D600 as they feel its enough for them, need not go for a more ex D800. Thereby, making D800 more availability which may drive down a bit of D800 pricing…
Just my wishful thinking…

Leykid1634 said:
Dear trd2970, thanks for explaining.
I do understand D600 is not the replacement of D800, but its a cheaper Nikon FX...So some may directed to D600 as they feel its enough for them, need not go for a more ex D800. Thereby, making D800 more availability which may drive down a bit of D800 pricing…
Just my wishful thinking…

That's why it's a wish, because we knew it will never happen... hahaha

thatnikon said:
That's why it's a wish, because we knew it will never happen... hahaha

Nope! I am sure it will happened…just you wait and see…hum…hehe……

Leykid1634 said:
Dear trd2970, thanks for explaining.
I do understand D600 is not the replacement of D800, but its a cheaper Nikon FX...So some may directed to D600 as they feel its enough for them, need not go for a more ex D800. Thereby, making D800 more availability which may drive down a bit of D800 pricing…
Just my wishful thinking…

Yes i do hope so too, it is good to make ff more affordable to the mass mkt