Auto ISO using flash

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New Member
Need advise from expert.I tried Auto ISO without flash it works but when plug in Flash,the auto ISO seems not working.Is this normal when u plug in flash?Pls advise.:D
I am using D200.Try looking in manuls but cannot find any close answer.

Need advise from expert.I tried Auto ISO without flash it works but when plug in Flash,the auto ISO seems not working.Is this normal when u plug in flash?Pls advise.:D
I am using D200.Try looking in manuls but cannot find any close answer.

Auto ISO works even with flash. I've verified it when I used a small aperture against a darker scene.

The flash will try to compensate for the scene if it's able to esp when it's in TTL mode. But when the scene is too dark and the flash has been fired at it's maximum power, the ISO will then compensate accordingly to give the correct exposure. ;)

Auto ISO works even with flash. I've verified it when I used a small aperture against a darker scene.

The flash will try to compensate for the scene if it's able to esp when it's in TTL mode. But when the scene is too dark and the flash has been fired at it's maximum power, the ISO will then compensate accordingly to give the correct exposure. ;)

Me too have same problem,never see the Auto ISO works when using flash.From the info by ZAC08,must I really have to go to dark area in order to see the Auto ISO works:dunno: .:D

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