Ash from Neighbour's Cigarette gets in my room.. How?

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You could try the Community Mediation Centres ( It appears they were set up to deal with "Neighbourhood disputes, family disputes (excluding family violence), disagreements with friends, stallholder/owner squabbles and altercations between strangers".

I've never used it before, even though I've got problems with my neighbours that talking nicely or even reporting to HDB (renovation issues) didn't solve. No doubt I cause distress to my neighbours too, but they haven't talked to me.

Guess another peaceful way is to live with it, just close your windows to prevent the ash from coming into the room. Sigh...

This will prevent the ash coming into the room, but not the smoke ..

I actually got similar issue from my blardy neighbor upstairs... He likes to smoke in the middle of the night, so the smoke comes into our room.. So inconsiderate neighbour I would say ;(
I talk with him politely couple of times but no change till now.. :cry:
End up I always close the window and in addition I bought air purifier.

my neighbour upstairs does that (till now). talked to him (several times) and he still continue the same behaviour.
Called RC, they said nothing they can do but just to talk to him.

Oh well....

Then your RC useless. Go report to police or fire brigade and said he nearly started a fire by having his ciggie's ashes on your bed. ;p

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought it's mutually exclusive? If the guy upstairs smokes, you'll get ash, but not smoke (as it'll rise). If the guy downstairs smokes, you'll get smoke, but not ash.

There used to be a period where a neighbor (my guess is downstairs) would smoke during the period when I put my kid to bed. I was also thinking *Damn you* must smoke when we need to use the room most! My kid's bedroom is normally not used in the day, as he'll play in the living room.

But I don't get that problem anymore. Phew.

This will prevent the ash coming into the room, but not the smoke ..

I actually got similar issue from my blardy neighbor upstairs... He likes to smoke in the middle of the night, so the smoke comes into our room.. So inconsiderate neighbour I would say ;(
I talk with him politely couple of times but no change till now.. :cry:
End up I always close the window and in addition I bought air purifier.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought it's mutually exclusive? If the guy upstairs smokes, you'll get ash, but not smoke (as it'll rise). If the guy downstairs smokes, you'll get smoke, but not ash..

You're right. I think my upstairs and downstairs neighbours are smokers.
But problem is resolved as I always close the window.

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