[archlover] short trip to dubai :)


Senior Member
Nov 11, 2005
Was quite lucky to be sent to Dubai by my office to do some photographs for our project there.
And tried to squeeze some free time to shoot for my personal things :)
Most of my photos will be on Burj Khalifa, since all my free time is all around that area >_<
so yeah.. enjoy the photos...

#1 Burj Khalifa always amazed me.. it looks like a shiny un-proportional giant diamond pencil in the afternoon :)

#2 First day sunset on Burj Khalifa, with tourists flocking around the lake to see the water show...

#3 another view to water show on the lake, now facing the Address downtown hotel...

#4 a view of 2 Address hotel ( both hotel tower have the same name... actually there's 4 Address hotel in Dubai :| ) we can see that there's still a lot of empty lands to develop there :)

another view of Burj Khalifa from other angle... it really shine like diamond when the direct sun reflects there...

and other view of Burj Khalifa, this one taken night time from the Address hotel... it has some kind of light show from the building at night, but not as fancy as the hongkong one...

to be continue...

#5 looks like the building came from another world hahhaa

#5 is great with those reflection :)

Pic#5 has my vote, with rocks, wall and buildings all pointing toward to Burj Khalifa, nice composition.



#5 and #6 both are good!

Good shots! Dubai has some very new and exciting architectural structures. Wish I could go visit it, since my sister-in-law keeps asking us to go over.


Thanks for comments guys..
climbing up to the top of burj khalifa at the next day...
not really the top, it's observation deck of burj khalifa called "at the top of burj khalifa".. actually its on 124th storey ( from 160ish storey )

the great thing is their have open space there, and the even have a gap of the glass, so we don't need to take photo from behind the glass :)

#7 the interior space...

#8 the outdoor observation deck... bloody hot :|

#9 the spectacular view from there... this one facing dubai cbd

#10 it's like playing sim city...

Like the composition of the pic#7 & 8, good job :thumbsup:.



the usual tourist spot.. the beach facing burj al arab...
there's a bit sandstorm when i was there... so the sky not so clear...

inside burj al arab... the interior design a bit "disneyland" i like the exterior but didn't like the inside :|

5 and 6 are gorgeous! I've stayed in Dubai for almost a year now and I haven't seen the building from the viewpoints you've featured before! Amazing! care to share where they are?

What lens did you use too? The building is tremendously hard to fit into a frame; you've even included reflections in the foreground. Great job man!

I like the way you frame your shots. #5 & #7 gets my vote. If only the rocks in #5 weren't there, else it would have been perfect!

Thanks for sharing.. Anymore? :D

You toured the Burj Al Arab? Anymore interior shots?

inside burj al arab... the interior design a bit "disneyland" i like the exterior but didn't like the inside :|