Anyone taking pics of meteor shower on 18 Nov?

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^^ it's not like you can actually clearly see a well defined meteor moving across the sky. so videos won't work as they are make of many frames. one long exposure might reveal the meteors. (30 seconds longest on manual mode & as long as you hold down shutter on BULB mode)

Totally wrong on the video angle Krishna. Video has been the weapon of choice for nearly 20 years for the serious meteorite counters. They stick a single stage image intensifier (1st or second generation unit usually) after the lens and it will catch the entire trail and faint ones you can't see with the unaided eye

Totally wrong on the video angle Krishna. Video has been the weapon of choice for nearly 20 years for the serious meteorite counters. They stick a single stage image intensifier (1st or second generation unit usually) after the lens and it will catch the entire trail and faint ones you can't see with the unaided eye

Hi Ian!

Welcome back after a long break! :)

Thanks for your insight with your experience on the field.
Mind if i ask for more pointers?

Say with my gear : loan 7D with 85mm prime.
Would you think it is good for me to attempt a video on the shower (put aside the weather condition)?

I have with me a 5D MarkII with 24-70 as well. Most likely i will attempt to shoot video on just one of them (putting 7D as first choice due to cropped factor) since i have only one tripod with me now.

Is there any other factor i should consider?

Ending off my post with appreciation to your help and advice.

Meantime, take good care of self and again... welcome back! ^^

hmm so we need a wide angle lens... a slow exposure time.... somewhat high iso.... and a large or small aperture? :dunno:

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Should be large since we need all the light that we can see to hit on the sensor.
Closing it down to smaller aperture might helps in getting a sharper image but not capturing all the lights that are available.

Anyone gonna shoot at sembawang? I mean go outdoor. Really wanna go, but ill be all by myself :O scary hahaha:bsmilie:

No car )=

No shooting star, only got the stars appearing to move in long exposures. :sticktong

Still very red eyes also very red already...:rolleyes:

Same here. Red clouds all over...

Think i gonna take a nap and wake up at 3am to check on the condition.
Hopefully, one of us manage to capture the shower in full glory!

Yawn. Anyone seen / shot anything yet?

I doubt it will be this early.... gonna have panda eyes tml... ;p

I thought its 1240?

Ah nevermind, I need sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep.

ssgsano where are you located? The sky is pretty much cleared up above the East Coast area.

sembawang is still cloudy on the west. :(
anyway the shower will happen on the NW right just to confirm?


2400hrs - Leonid Meteor Storm begins
0300hrs - Leonid Meteor Shower begins
0500hrs - Leonid Meteor Storm peaks

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ya lo.. i tot it will peak at 5 am. hopefully the sky will be clear by then

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