Anyone own a Olympus OMD E-M5?


New Member
Dec 16, 2012
Is there any place or good tips for newbies?
I am hoping to take a great photos.

To answer the question in your subject line: You could have a look into the
Olympus subforum: or the one for
Micro Four Thirds:

For the 'good tips for newbies' you can start reading through the sticky threads here in the Newbies Corner.
The tips are valid for all cameras, regardless which brand or technology.

Is there any place or good tips for newbies?
I am hoping to take a great photos.

Joined CS in 2012 and you ask this question..perhaps you were too busy with life? Understand.. in the internet age there is no lack of resources be it
photography tips,photography forums, books and video turorials on youtube.It's all out there.There are no secrets or I like to think so.:bsmilie:

In short the best way is self learning and practice.Your next question

"I am hoping to take a great photos."

This is an ambiguous statement or I think it is.It can mean different things to many people taking into account their own understanding and interpretation of it.I don't want to come across as snobbish or high brow.Photography can be
art (snob) or the other end as snapshots or pictures that ordinary people
take of times/moments in their lives for memory's sake.

As there are genres (types/catagories) of photography eg. portraits,landscape,still life,architechure internal/ external,
photojournalism,food,glamour/fashion,nature, etc.
They all require different knowledge and skill sets.

What is a great photo or photograph a formal term that elevates it from the
picture or snapshot that ordinary people capture.What does it mean to be a photographer? To be a great photographer and not just be good enough you need to:

1.Know/understand how to use your camera/equipment.Having an expensive camera
makes it easier but does not get you there.

2, Creativity. Vision,ideas and concepts..what you want to show or inspire
your viewers or audience.

3. Communication. Whether you work with other people or photograph people
(portraits) you need to clearly convey your intention and ideas across
in a way that help or inspire your subject's confidence in you to help
subject see what they wish to see in themselves and not what you wish
your vision of them to be.

The reality tv idea of photographer telling the model to show or strut her stuff (posing) is pure rubbish(makes for good trashy drama).Even professional models need direction to produce the desired look for the client so same for people who ask you to shoot them even your own friends or family.Show their inner as well as outer beauty.They will love you for it.You build confidence not destroy subject's self esteem.Only then will the outer lips of the eyes harmonise with the lips of the smile.;)Photo comes alive!

What is a great photograph?

They have some things in common:

1. Exposure. Well exposed photo let viewer see full tonal range of colours and scene.It draws and attract attention (got things to see).It means understanding the system and relationship of shutter speed and aperture. eg. if meter reading is 1/125 sec. F8 to get same exposure at faster speed
at 1/250 sec. the aperture need to open up to F5.6. Every speed step or F stop either double (increase) or half (decrease) the light exposure to image sensor.There are times when you need to capture the moment and auto/P mode seems appropriate.:)Don't think or depend on post processing to correct things that can be done correctly in camera.You save time.

2.White balance. This is digital imaging to get a neutral colour but do know that if you use AWB (auto white balance) you neutralise the colour cast when you really want the warm colours or glow of sunrise or sunset.So set the proper white balance mode or manual kelvin scale (colour temperature).

3. Composition. A well composed photo leads viewer to what you want them to
see and be inspired.Using rule of thirds,leading lines or shapes to areas
of contrast.Eg. face instead of surrounding background.Tight framing without
non essential details unless it's an environmental portrait.With good composition viewer understand what you want to communicate so it's related.

These are the basics, have fun and enjoy.

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OMD is a darn good camera, but it's not a camera I would take too much portraits with (it can go wrong), the dynamics is mind blowing and colors is something else. But it's my play camera. For serious shoots, I'm sticking to my Canon. Faster for you to learn and develope a style by going out to shoot, tagging along. I sux but you can tag along with me if you want (or if you want try portraits, as I'm mainly a portrait shooter). Or just join the gathering outing here.

Example of OMD I just shot
Original colors
OMD in built bw filter

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It's good

Don't own that camera but it is a good one. Started serious shooting in 09 or so. Beginning my first class next week. Reason I'm taking classes is mainly to learn handling b&w film so I can shoot film again process develop and print at home. Other reason...get me on the camera more. :)

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