Anyone free for outing on Friday 7 July 06?

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grimicer said:
no problem
let us know if you're coming so we can wait for you at the entrance ;)

sorry folks, can't get away from office. you guys enjoy the shoot!

Here's the group picture for the outing :)


Nice IR shots Augustin. Haha. Seems like your hardwork under the sun paid off while we were seeking solace under the shade. Haha.

Some of my shots didn't take out that great. Mainly due to inexperience. :p The sun was too strong and a no. of my pics turned out washed-out. Should I get a polariser + hood in future?

Here's one that turned out ok coz it was under the shade. :)


BTW, thanks everyone for the fun-filled gathering. :)

haha, i'm amazed you got so many infra shots, i expected many but not to that extent.

nice, i like the angle which is taken from for this one. :)

sad sia couldn't join you guys cos sth cropped up on the last minute.When will you all be shooting again?:)

yo justin, not sure abt the next outing :p
if there's any, we'll post it here. :)

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