Any Woodlands Photographer???

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Erm... Tmr ah... okie then... BTW, anyone seen any chinese opera around woodlands? I wan to take fotos of them... Went Clementi and faced a pail of cold water...


yllew said:
Erm... Tmr ah... okie then... BTW, anyone seen any chinese opera around woodlands? I wan to take fotos of them... Went Clementi and faced a pail of cold water...


wat's pail of cold water?

Err..We are from Woodlands.. But Woodlands and Sembawang very near only.. U are welcome to join us anytime..:)

valkyrie said:
Me in sembawang as well...:embrass:

yokechye said:
chinese opera? wah... thats difficult... :think:

heard that they haf schedule to run around singapore... Wed was at Clementi (had dinner, but no camera! Argh!!), then Tues was at Woodlands (From my mum). So i m waiting for news to come in so tat can go n capture some pics...


yllew said:
Let's see... Can CS support chinese? 泼冷水... So a pail of cold water came flying at my face~~~:cry:

So sad... then better don't take this kinda of pic.. maybe they feel offended.

I pour on myself... Tot that everyday haf chinese opera... Well, a decade or longer back, they used to haf them everynite at Yishun, near blk 120 (At the temple there, dunno still thr or not). So i assume that yester evening shld haf oso... Mayb next time mz try my luck nearer to temples... hmmmm...


XXXcat said:
So sad... then better don't take this kinda of pic.. maybe they feel offended.

Dun think that they will be offended... But i remember mz take without flash... Trying again tonite~~~ Opera hunting... Hee hee hee~~~



1. Aaron80
2. E500
3. yokechye
4. DaGimCi
5. XXXcat
6. Buggy
7. yllew
8. Emerson
9. Justshot
10. kktan
11. Karsoon
12. smallpeak(using Olympus E300)
13. valkyrie(from Sembawang)
14. Michael

Last time Woodlands used to have Chinese opera at the open field near Marsiling industrial area.. I not sure whether they still carry on anot.. Actually nw is the hungry ghost festival, we can go shoot the Qi Ye Ge Tai.. I know the dinner and the performance is held at Blk 803 there.. I will go find out the date then update u all..:)

aaron80 said:
Last time Woodlands used to have Chinese opera at the open field near Marsiling industrial area.. I not sure whether they still carry on anot.. Actually nw is the hungry ghost festival, we can go shoot the Qi Ye Ge Tai.. I know the dinner and the performance is held at Blk 803 there.. I will go find out the date then update u all..:)

there was one near my working place.

Bro, if u manage to find at Woodlands update me too, me can go with u..:)

yllew said:
Dun think that they will be offended... But i remember mz take without flash... Trying again tonite~~~ Opera hunting... Hee hee hee~~~



1. Aaron80
2. E500
3. yokechye
4. DaGimCi
5. XXXcat
6. Buggy
7. yllew
8. Emerson
9. Justshot
10. kktan
11. Karsoon
12. smallpeak(using Olympus E300)
13. valkyrie(from Sembawang)
14. Michael
15. biggmalique


1. Aaron80
2. E500
3. yokechye
4. DaGimCi
5. XXXcat
6. Buggy
7. yllew
8. Emerson
9. Justshot
10. kktan
11. Karsoon
12. smallpeak(using Olympus E300)
13. valkyrie(from Sembawang)
14. Michael
15. biggmalique
16. iamracoon


1. Aaron80
2. E500
3. yokechye
4. DaGimCi
5. XXXcat
6. Buggy
7. yllew
8. Emerson
9. Justshot
10. kktan
11. Karsoon
12. smallpeak(using Olympus E300)
13. valkyrie(from Sembawang)
14. Michael
15. biggmalique
16. BnL (Newbie)

aaron80 said:
Hi bro, where is ur workplace? Is the opera still there nw?
im sorry if got it wrong. donnoe if opera or not, but there was an event, with stages and all a few days ago.

industrial park area, not the marsiling one.

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