Any Ngee Ann poly students here???

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now my favorite canteen is canteen 4, though not anywhere near my area, neverthless, i like the western and japanese food there !! :)

dolpjki said:
i'm from NP ECE (electronic opt), grad in 2001.
I used to hang out at the Atrium or canteen 3 if i ever go NP campus.:D

Being the only gal in my third year class, it's not tough for my tutors to mark my attendance as "absent" for most lessons. :bsmilie:

ex-NPian (97) here.. posted to acc, switch to ece... that why card got '555' inside... grad 00, now suffering in ntu.. :cry: i wonder if the fish and chips in cant 3 still bigger than the plate... my fyp was at blk 8 (alpha centre) we should org an outing there soon.. any takers?? just form a list bah.. then can contact easy...

ok ok .. i typed out a list of ppl from ngee ann... maybe we can really go there and take pics, cant 3 to eat etc etc.. ... relinquish old memories... and laugh at current npian.. really miss the old times.. join alot of eca then... everytime go SAO and SU office... hee...
here goes:

1 nickpower
2 HelmetBox
3 mich_2103
4 espn
5 majere2sg
6 Goldmember
7 locksley
8 SniperD
9 Larry
10 kjmedora
11 Pinkishy
12 jamelaw
14 tokrot
15 Violett
16 Noir
17 etgoh
18 jimtong
19 thegroon
20 acroamatic
21 sehsuan
22 Jason
23 metals99
24 vanisia
25 Waffle
26 leeter
27 drumma
28 agentmonkey
29 Sjourn
30 Denosha
31 Paul_Yeo
32 lovells19
33 dolpjki
34 ray_stinger
35 CLQ
36 davsmiths
37 footprints
38 littledigitalartist


wow. u typed out everyting well done!

Let's have a special project , maybe call "I Love NP!" :embrass:

or a photo scrapbook of NP? ;)

and send to NP Principal as a gift from alumni? hee

or maybe go back NP and take photo of girls for project "Babes of NP"? :embrass:

muhaha, if u guys organize, i will support u guys de ~ :) maybe one day come together meet up in NP to have lunch or something?

A bit hard cos of working hours leh :( wanted to go back the other day for lunch when I was on leave but too lazy. Sigh. Regret.

Paul_Yeo said:
or maybe go back NP and take photo of girls for project "Babes of NP"? :embrass:

this sounds interesting... :D

so sad... I am not in the list..... no wonder they dun consider ME part of NP.... :confused:

Paul_Yeo said:
or maybe go back NP and take photo of girls for project "Babes of NP"? :embrass:
relatively easy project, don't have to go too far, just focus around Canteen 1 and/or Sports Complex enough already. ;p

i also NP one.....

Class of 1995 -1998......

still remember those days of hiding from warrens when playing cards in campus... :bsmilie:

canteen 1: best place to see gals from accounts and BS.
Canteen 2: place to see sporty gals.
Canteen 3: not much EE gals to see...
Canteen 4: best place to gamble/smoke... forget about any gals there...

ooooooooy. in canteen 1 there's also FMS chicks galore ;p :lovegrin:

nikonsiao said:
there is only 1 place to see gals and eat...

:heart: Canteen 1 :heart:
hubba hubba.

btw, did i mention? i'm from FMS. :bsmilie: :bsmilie: :bsmilie:

I'm from NP too...
CCS from 96 - 99

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