All about food


New Member
Dec 21, 2010





Comments are welcomed!!..Newbie with shoot.

I'm also newbies here :)
Some of your photos got yellow cast, especially the 1st photo
Can try manual WB next time or can read up the tips from other bros on how to remove it from PP :)
Hope to see more of your shots

Thanks..could you point out to me which one exactly? I actually adjust my own temperature and tint to achieve it..haha..dun have gray card to do a manual wb..I just live view and adjust the wb to see which match the the colour most! Thanks for your comment! I will take note of the wb more..

Now that u said it..haha..ya..the first one did have a yellowish overcast..will edit it when home! Thanks

mingzong said:
Thanks..could you point out to me which one exactly? I actually adjust my own temperature and tint to achieve it..haha..dun have gray card to do a manual wb..I just live view and adjust the wb to see which match the the colour most! Thanks for your comment! I will take note of the wb more..

Don't need to waste money on grey card. I cut out a white card board to use it as white card which I carry it in my camera bag hahaha or you can see if there's any white plate on the spot to use or not :)

hahah..actually I think I forgot to paste the setting to that number one! Ya and original wb is not tt good...thanks for the advice!! :)!!

Most of them are over saturated. Reduce the saturation and you will see actually the WB is not that bad.
Watch out for the black seaweed, you can't see the details at all. From far, it looks to me like a broken bowl.

Thanks! Yup I think the seaweed has lost its details..will take note of the pp more next time..thanks!

Hi there, I think the first pic, the subject is a little OOF too.. just my 1 cent, cuz I m quite new to photography too

I using a 35mm at f1.8..maybe I will increase the dof more next time..thanks for comments!

Did a bit of adjustments to the picture based on some feedback..hope it is better!..







:thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup: Yummy ;)

Did a bit of adjustments to the picture based on some feedback..hope it is better!..





Very nice, minzhong. They look yummy indeed :thumbsup:

Don't mind my few inputs:

- Watch out when you are brightening/bringing out detail of the shadow area, overdoing it sometimes will result in color fringing and/or haloing (as can be witnessed in the surrounding of the seaweed in pic 4 & 5).

- When snapping do watch out for lighting/reflection on the subject, there are many hot spots especially on pic 3 & 4. Although you can eliminate/reduce them in post-processing (by cloning or multiplying), it's best to get it right shooting. You can refer to:

Removing flash hotspots: Photoshop retouching - YouTube
Photo Retouching: Removing Hot Spots In Photoshop » SitePoint

- I love the vibrancy of your photos but some are over-saturated (for eg. the greens in pic 4 & 5 are very pronounced), you can try selective desaturation (on affected area/s). You can refer to:

Selective Desaturation Within the Basic Editing Rules - Tutorials

Please continue sharing :)


maybe u can choose the smaller size when posting the photo.

Thanks all for your comments! Thanks for posting those post process videos as well..all points taken note of..:)





Comments are welcomed for me to improve







i feel the photo out of focus on most of the photo.

i feel the photo out of focus on most of the photo.

thks, i think a few xlb picture was instead oof..basket was in focus instead..and maybe my dof was too thin, shooting at f1.8. Point taken note, thanks for pointing it out