Judging from the samples floating around on the web, it is clear that Nikon was aiming for character when they designed this lens.

1. Microcontrast is relatively low wide open, but resolution is there. Vignetting is relatively minimal.
2. Microcontrast goes up as the lens stopped down, reasonably good at f2.

I would say go for this lens if you like the character. I think it will do great for portraiture and others.

I should also say the bokeh is quite melty too. LOL...

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Anyone seen a comparison yet for this with the Cosina/Voightlander 58/1.4 ?

Available in Singapore shops now. Around $2.1k. Not a focal length I like to work with, so I will pass on this 😁

I don't think the lens is designed for absolute sharpness. Although at the price tag, there will probably be a lot of expectations for that lens, including corner sharpness.

I don't think the lens is designed for absolute sharpness. Although at the price tag, there will probably be a lot of expectations for that lens, including corner sharpness.
I expected more at that price. I think the price will go down fast in Japan, might pick it up there in a few months.

I expected more at that price. I think the price will go down fast in Japan, might pick it up there in a few months.

The guys who buy this lens likely use this to take portraits and pictures of people wide open and they might be more willing pay out the dole to buy this lens.

I don't think the lens is designed for absolute sharpness. Although at the price tag, there will probably be a lot of expectations for that lens, including corner sharpness.

This lens was designed in mind to produce images with minimal CA, distortion, vignetting. It has the resolution, but not the microcontrast wide open. Stopping down to f2.8 produces better sharpness.

The bokeh doesn't look that good.

Yes, the writer kind of acknowledged that although it is better than 50 1.4 we have to decide for ourselves if it is US$1200 more worthy. IMO, i still like what I see but am not sure it is worth the upgrade by forking out the extra $$$. Maybe I can save those money and buy a Sigma 35mm.
Check out his 85mm 1.4 review, , the bokeh is so "yum yum"...... guess that is what some of us are expecting at SG$1500 more.

Yes, the writer kind of acknowledged that although it is better than 50 1.4 we have to decide for ourselves if it is US$1200 more worthy. IMO, i still like what I see but am not sure it is worth the upgrade by forking out the extra $$$. Maybe I can save those money and buy a Sigma 35mm.
Check out his 85mm 1.4 review, , the bokeh is so "yum yum"...... guess that is what some of us are expecting at SG$1500 more.

Yum yum but the 85/1.4 is notorious for CA which can be a problem under bright lights.

I find that the focal length a bit strange, might as well get a 50mm f1.2 or 85mm f1.4....

I find that the focal length a bit strange, might as well get a 50mm f1.2 or 85mm f1.4....

58mm is an awesome focal length for portraits. It is also very good for video.

Seems like not many pple get this lens...
