AF-S 35mm F1.8G vs AF-S 40mm Micro F2.8G

Do note that the Micro 40mm has very very slow AF speed, but it is done purposely for accurate AF at closeups

I will be getting mine next month IF my ministry of money approves. SLR Rev quoted me for 316 (360 if I heard it correctly). I'll post my personal review IF only I get it. My trusted 50 works great but a little bit tight with no macro capability. I will use my 40 for toy shots, not so serious macro work and portrait if needed. Plan to keep my 50 for long time or sell if I am satisfied with 40. Counting days.....

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nikoneer said:
I will be getting mine next month IF my ministry of money approves. SLR Rev quoted me for 316 (360 if I heard it correctly). I'll post my personal review IF only I get it. My trusted 50 works great but a little bit tight with no macro capability. I will use my 40 for toy shots, not so serious macro work and portrait if needed. Plan to keep my 50 for long time or sell if I am satisfied with 40. Counting days.....

In my personal opinion.
If you really wanna play with macro shoot the only macro lens is suit you properly in macro object & closeups.

For non macro lens like 35 DX or 50mm Lens, if you have no choice to be keep the 50mm.
This both can be used as closeups feel like macro.
To be shots in max. closeup and stop down to F5.6 - 8 for clear background and crop from the image output as what you want.
But at the end the photos still not as detailed like macro shots.
Even reversed macro also can be try up.

This is the closest I can get for my 50mm 1.8, or maybe a little more inch closer. Although generally acceptable to me, the problem will come
if the "dramatic" composition change. What if I need to close up one subject with another one behind in a in a shallow DOF? Cropping would be the best way to do it but, I need to change the composition again to suit up the cropping. That is why I believe that this 40 MM comes into play.


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40mm micro is good for close up shots... it still has quite good bokeh but not as good as the 35mm f1.8...

nikoneer said:
This is the closest I can get for my 50mm 1.8, or maybe a little more inch closer. Although generally acceptable to me, the problem will come
if the "dramatic" composition change. What if I need to close up one subject with another one behind in a in a shallow DOF? Cropping would be the best way to do it but, I need to change the composition again to suit up the cropping. That is why I believe that this 40 MM comes into play.

Yeah the only reason got macro lens in the world... Ha ha..
I have mine for last time and have a fun of 40mm lens, can do a lot various shots too.
Just only the AF speed is same as AF 60mm f2.8D, if miss focus and have to wait the AF catching to the nearest object.

Here have some Prime Vs Micro Works Up.
Hope you will like.

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This is the closest I can get for my 50mm 1.8, or maybe a little more inch closer. Although generally acceptable to me, the problem will come
if the "dramatic" composition change. What if I need to close up one subject with another one behind in a in a shallow DOF? Cropping would be the best way to do it but, I need to change the composition again to suit up the cropping. That is why I believe that this 40 MM comes into play.


35/1.8DX focuses a fair bit closer than 50/1.8G, so it MAY be satisfactory for you :)
Observing the size of the objects you are photographing, you may not really need a true-blue macro lens.

Let me see if I can dig up a photo with 35/1.8 at MFD...

Thanks Rain and Zer...

Zer if you can provide photos that will be great!

35/1.8DX focuses a fair bit closer than 50/1.8G, so it MAY be satisfactory for you :)
Observing the size of the objects you are photographing, you may not really need a true-blue macro lens.

Let me see if I can dig up a photo with 35/1.8 at MFD...

What is the lens to object MFD? The MFD of 1 foot for my AF 50mm f1.4D bothers me, causes me to focus-hunt often cos I was shooting at the boundaries of MFD. I tried googling for it but didn't come to a good conclusion between the two lenses.

Appreciate if you can post a pic and state the MFD for it, better if you can post some food pics like cookies or cakes.

What is the lens to object MFD? The MFD of 1 foot for my AF 50mm f1.4D bothers me, causes me to focus-hunt often cos I was shooting at the boundaries of MFD. I tried googling for it but didn't come to a good conclusion between the two lenses.

Appreciate if you can post a pic and state the MFD for it, better if you can post some food pics like cookies or cakes.

50/1.4G focuses to 0.45m and 35/1.8 focuses to 0.3m
So 15cm closer... If that is still insufficient then Have to look for something that focuses a bit closer than that. May not necessarily need to be a 1:1 macro lens. Perhaps a zoom which has "macro" (maybe abt 1:2 r.ratio) may be all right.

I'll look for suitable pic at home tonight.

Thanks Rain and Zer...

Zer if you can provide photos that will be great!

Here's one of a standard-sized object, so you can deduce the magnification, etc...

Lens states 0.3m MFD, but I measured subject front to Sensor Plane to be about 0.27m

If you need the subject to be larger than that, then a macro lens may be the way to go.

* just in case you're curious, a 1:1 macro lens gets you to about this

I reckon it's too enlarged for what you're intending to photograph, no? Of course you can always move back ;)

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