AF confirm OM to 4/3 adapter

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New Member
Jul 31, 2009
Hi, anyone here has positive/negative experience with AF confirm OM to 4/3 adapter, like the one selling on ebay? I am planning to buy one for my E520.

got mine from tagotech

from my experience it was quite helpful, i was able to do street photography using my 28mm OM with most pics in focus. i tried before w/o the chip and about half my shots were OOF

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got mine from tagotech

from my experience it was quite helpful, i was able to do street photography using my 28mm OM with most pics in focus. i tried before w/o the chip and about half my shots were OOF

Is it center focus only? Or you can choose the focus point?

Is it center focus only? Or you can choose the focus point?
The 520 has only three points AFAIK, and only the center is usable, just like my old E-500 had. The E-3 has 11 cross type AF sensors and all are usable with the chip. The chip does nothing else than fools the camera to believe it has a 4/3 lens attached to it.

Anyway, you can select any point you like. Just remember that if you don't configure the chip properly with the right focal length and aperture than you better switch off the IS because it won't be reliable. If metering works on the 520 or not is not something I can say, with the E-3 it works well.

Uncle Olyflyer, ;) How much did you get that chip for? Is that the programmable chip?

Uncle Olyflyer, ;) How much did you get that chip for? Is that the programmable chip?

I don't remember the price. You see, I am too old and my short term memory is bad. ;)

Never the less, yes it is programable, but there seems to be some kind of biological relationship between my short term memory and this chip because the chip keeps forgetting the focal length which makes it practically useless if one wants to record focal length and even use IS. Add to that the fact that the documentation is really bad and I always forget how to program it, so I have given up on it. :bsmilie:

I decided to buy an adapter without af confirm chip and save the extra money to buy another battery for live view. I guess that will give the most reliable focus.

The ebay auction you linked to seems to be of the uglier version. Jinfinance also on ebay sells a nicer version with the slimline chip. You can still change your mind and buy the chip alone from tagotech (either on ebay or at ~Sing$40-45 and glue it on to your 4/3 adapter.

The tagotech and jinfinance chips seem to be the same.I've never had a problem (so far) with the chips forgetting their focal length or aperture.

I got mine from tagotech as well.... great help for using manual focus on the fly. I agree that it helps alot in street shots :)


I don't remember the price. You see, I am too old and my short term memory is bad. ;)

Never the less, yes it is programable, but there seems to be some kind of biological relationship between my short term memory and this chip because the chip keeps forgetting the focal length which makes it practically useless if one wants to record focal length and even use IS. Add to that the fact that the documentation is really bad and I always forget how to program it, so I have given up on it. :bsmilie:


How do I configure the chip properly? just got mine, I have a 50mm 1.8 OM lens but the aperture is giving 2.8.

Appreciate your help.

Thanks in advance!


How do I configure the chip properly? just got mine, I have a 50mm 1.8 OM lens but the aperture is giving 2.8.

Appreciate your help.

Thanks in advance!

Your seller should have provided instructions. Tagotech's instructions work for the jinfinance chip as well,

The chip won't be able to detect the lens aperture automatically by the way. The best you can do is to set the focal length and max aperture so that the EXIF data for those is correct. There is no way you'll be able to code the aperture currently in use.

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