Advice on D90

lol, so you got the D90 already? Anyway d90 @ 6400 isn't advisable. Even for cameras like 7D/D300s, iso6400 is pretty noisy. I'm still figuring out how come D90 has no ISO 100 but has H-something, something. got three of this H-something before ISO 200. gonna read the manual on my free time tmr.

Yes, got it already, enjoying it regret. Manual says all the H's beyond iso3200 setting will prone to noise,not too useable. But hey...its there, useful if you need it to shoot certain impt shot. Not sure abt the H's before iso200 tho, still learning :sweat:

it has Lo 1, which is equivalent to ISO 100, but i think it will shoot at ISO 200 and adjust the brightness equal to ISO 100.
for the Hi's, are above ISO 3200.

How come got Lo 1.0, 1.3 ? dun get it? manual doesnt say anything abt that.

the movie mode not v.fantastic.

it can skip like 1sec worth of frame. v.jumpy.
but mayb bcoz i've been shooting it for like 10-20min n it get too hot?

From the useful discussions here, I gather I better wait for Nikon D90 replacement and see what the new Canon 60D can offer. This year may see many new models with many new features esp full HD video, more AF points & more MP of course from Canon, Nikon and Sony.

Wise decision..but be prepared for the higher cost of these untested new models..having new gadgets, new functions, will definitely be costlier..