ACS forever

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Senior Member
Feb 28, 2004
recent shoot for ACS






i remember the the teachers' shot. saw you around.

I like the first photo.. very dramatic.

I think the concept of the first photo would also work well with OTC standing alone in the center of the frame with the dark clouds all around.

on my comp, the flash looks abit too overpowering. The idea is good, and indeed if you can find a pass issue of the ACJC prospectus circa 2002 or so, i think u will find that wesley did a similar concept shoot as well. Also check out Wesley is an old AC boy who used to shoot a lot for ACJC when i was there. He's done some really good stuff.

Also, for the first shot, the bottom water pipes could perhaps be omitted from the framing....No idea what your setup is, but overall as i mentioned, the flash looks rather harsh. Nice try though.

first saw them on your website. i like the last few shots better.

did "communistic" appear on the client brief? :)

it's a different style from Memphiswest.

I love wesley's work. he's in my opinion one of the best singaporean photographers. that series he did of AC barker is mindblowing.

I prefer to see things with abit more humour. I hope them parents like it..heheh
I'm ok with harsh flash.that's part of my style.

knoxknocks said:
go AC! but i relate more with barker road time no ACS(I) :bsmilie:

Funny... in my time there was only ACS (I) and no ACS (barker)...

Good pics btw! :thumbsup:

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