about the irc channel in galaxynet

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New Member
Jan 17, 2002
i heard that Q has eloped wif her master and wont be coming back. oh... and including Q's sisters NS and MS too! :D
so can add a bot into the IRC channel to prevent channel taking overs?
hmm.. is it possible to change the channel name to #clubsnap also??? kekeke

Originally posted by mEc
i heard that Q has eloped wif her master and wont be coming back. oh... and including Q's sisters NS and MS too! :D
so can add a bot into the IRC channel to prevent channel taking overs?
hmm.. is it possible to change the channel name to #clubsnap also??? kekeke

Got this from internal source(verified but believe at your own will):

Galaxynet got power struggle.
The guy who controls all the Q/NS/MS is very piss off
He left the organisation and took Q/NS/MS away too!

I think it will be VERY long be4 Q will be back and also if possible to haf everyone's reg. nick record/registered channel record back.

Originally posted by mEc
i heard that Q has eloped wif her master and wont be coming back. oh... and including Q's sisters NS and MS too! :D
so can add a bot into the IRC channel to prevent channel taking overs?
hmm.. is it possible to change the channel name to #clubsnap also??? kekeke

If change to #clubsnap...then put bot in #dc&p for? Hehehe lol

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