A80 Adapter blocking the Flash

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Senior Member
Oct 26, 2003
Hong Kong
This should be the common problem and is there any way to overcome? After adding the adapter, it blocks the flash that blow to the right bottom corner. Anyone can solve this?

It's a known problem, go get a slave flash.
The cheapest should cost about S$38/- at MSC.

therat said:
what adapter..

the Adapter Tunster is talking about is one that mounts it onto the digicam body that has a front thread to put filters for effect or protection. But for A80 seem to have option to put an eternal flash for all I know, or can Poon share how to solve it?? Me dun want to everytime bring my big big 540EZ to shoot :(

tunster said:
This should be the common problem and is there any way to overcome? After adding the adapter, it blocks the flash that blow to the right bottom corner. Anyone can solve this?
Its a common problem, not unique to the A80 or Canon, but in most compact cameras. Like what the rest has suggested, use an external flash or zoom in a little when using built-in flash.

Acieed said:
Its a common problem, not unique to the A80 or Canon, but in most compact cameras. Like what the rest has suggested, use an external flash or zoom in a little when using built-in flash.

sorry. i newbie to remote flash. how does it work? when the shutter is triggered, there is a wireless link between digi-cam and remote flash? and what brand are you guys using? thks.

Acieed said:
Its a common problem, not unique to the A80 or Canon, but in most compact cameras. Like what the rest has suggested, use an external flash or zoom in a little when using built-in flash.

In fact this problem is not limited to consumer cameras as the word compact suggested. C5050 face this problem as well. Not sure about the Canon G3/G5. And the Panasonic FZ-1/2 which is not exactly compact also has this issue.

Another 'cheap' solution is to take the adaptor out while using flash lar.

theITguy said:
But for A80 seem to have option to put an eternal flash for all I know, or can Poon share how to solve it??

You can put a slave flash anywhere near your camera. When your onboard camera goes off, it automatically triggers off the slave flash also.

Acieed said:
what brand are you guys using?
The cheapest i can find is a achiever slaveflash. As said above, cost about S$38/- at MSC.

Poon said:
You can put a slave flash anywhere near your camera. When your onboard camera goes off, it automatically triggers off the slave flash also.

The cheapest i can find is a achiever slaveflash. As said above, cost about S$38/- at MSC.

Very chimp idea. Thanks will read it up.

theITguy said:
Very chimp idea. Thanks will read it up.

Can lend you mine to play around the next time we meet.

Will the metering be accurate if I use such slave flashes? Will it be over-exposed?

pianodancer said:
Will the metering be accurate if I use such slave flashes? Will it be over-exposed?

Shoot manual mode set at 1/60-1/125, onboard flash set to minimum output, slave flash set to autoflash mode with same f-stop and ISO set as camera and voila! Exposure should be correct.

OzOn3 said:
Eh, how does slave flash works? or get activated?
A slave flash is activated upon detection of your primary flash.

So if that's the case, there'll actually be a lag or inaccuracy right?? Pardon me ar, i never used or seen a slave flash before.. heh..

OzOn3 said:
So if that's the case, there'll actually be a lag or inaccuracy right?? Pardon me ar, i never used or seen a slave flash before.. heh..

The slave flash will react and fire before your shutter close....

hi guys,

i just came back from 'a shop' at AMK and they say there is no such thing as a remote flash for the A80.

the achiever one comes with a bracket that attaches to the body of the camera.

anybody kind enuff to show how remote is remote? thks.

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