A500/550 Users .... Come in!!!

but its a bit annoying mah? some of red light glowing in the viewfinder, i can accept if the focus point and the thin line blinking but the red light is annoying for me. yes, u only can see it in a quite dark situation. in a bright situation not really can see it. your's also like a leak light from the right of the viewfinder? actually it's almost cover all the viewfinder, but not clear...
are ur 550 the same too? last night i go to sony center and i see their display set experiencing the same red light, including a500..


but its a bit annoying mah? some of red light glowing in the viewfinder, i can accept if the focus point and the thin line blinking but the red light is annoying for me. yes, u only can see it in a quite dark situation. in a bright situation not really can see it. your's also like a leak light from the right of the viewfinder? actually it's almost cover all the viewfinder, but not clear...
are ur 550 the same too? last night i go to sony center and i see their display set experiencing the same red light, including a500..


Use live view. :bsmilie: :bsmilie:

then i use pocket lol

i just got my a500! but, whn i shake it, i hear some kind of noise from some bits. is that common?

its the lever mechanism in the pop up flash. when retracted its loose. pop up your flash and shake again, should be perfectly normal.

i just got my a500! but, whn i shake it, i hear some kind of noise from some bits. is that common?


Could also be from the SSS mechanisim ! ...don't shake it too hard or else you'll be looking for a new camera again !!! :bsmilie: