A taste of the Canon EOS 5D Mark II firmware coming up?

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Aug 12, 2004
Tiong Bahru

*Verified as 1Dmk4 image*

and also ...



I believe we are getting the 24P and 25P in the next firmware update.
There is a official statement from Canon Australia.

“We understand that EOS 5D Mark II users desire additional frame rates and we’re preparing a firmware update to allow the camera to shoot at both 24P and 25P,” said Chris Macleod, Brand Manager – EOS, Canon Australia. “The upgrade to 24P and 25P will broaden the usage scope for this popular camera to include cinema and broadcast applications, respectively.”Canon expects the firmware update to be available in the first half of 2010 and will release more details as they become available.

As for 720P 60fps, I would not hold my breath for that but you never know.
The indie movie making market is very persuasive.

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and i was even contemplating saving for a 7d.. pfft.

mind sharing why 60fps bring you so much joy? what is pfft?

60 fps also means you can have much smoother slow-motion scenes...


downsizing 1080p to 720p for editing is always a pain :p

60fps is much welcomed.

lets wait it out then.

nice to have these features but im not excited since i use video for 1sec/month. ;)

the market share of the of the 5D MK II is no longer limited to photographers, but has included videographers and many other indie filmmakers.

Damn.......the picture of the new Video Mode Selection is cut out of 1DMk4

U guys can wait long....long for F/W upgrades.

Plse go and validate.........I'm sure it's cut out from the new 1DMk4:bsmilie:

the market share of the of the 5D MK II is no longer limited to photographers, but has included videographers and many other indie filmmakers.
Very true. For the new firmware that adds new functionality in video area, it is quite a rarity from Canon. Under normal circumstances, Canon will never add new functionality to the camera via firmware. They will just make fixes only. I can imagine Canon gets a lot of pressure from the videography community.

Damn.......the picture of the new Video Mode Selection is cut out of 1DMk4

U guys can wait long....long for F/W upgrades.

Plse go and validate.........I'm sure it's cut out from the new 1DMk4:bsmilie:
We will see in a couple of months.

Lol in USA, the 5D Mk II/7D videography community calls and emails canon every day to make sure that their voice is heard loud and clear. http://www.cinema5d.com/viewtopic.php?f=56&t=4990

But finally the 5D II has these features which would make post production a lot easier. I still love my 7D thou XD.

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