A sneak preview of Last week.... (korea)

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New Member
Jan 9, 2003
East Singapore
Hello Everyone, Havent been to clubsnap in a while. Hope everythings good.
Back in Singapore now... shooting here and there.

I'm too eager to post...... so here's some images from last week.

Hope you like them.





marc... i love the tones u gave ur pics.. hey.. u have a very good eye for details.. hmm.. since u are back in sg.. maybe we can meet up and shoot.. :)


Sure, no problem. Drop me a PM whenever.

The centre 2 images are pretty much stock standard. The 1st and last pics had some post processing done. The first image had dramatic lighting with the use of an off cam flash + underexposure of the background. Both images had their saturation stripped with high contrast and some toning with layers.

So when is the last picture going to be on a bus ad for korea? ;)
Awesome pictures, esp the last one.

I like the last one. =)

Real solid!!

Pic #3 is really nice, esp for some magazine writeup etc but being a landscape person, I just love pic #4 for the wonderful toning!!

i like #1, like some levis commercial. #4 makes me think of ju-on... sisters... scenes from some jap/korean horror movie.

Love your #1 and #4 for the color tone.

The last look like some korean mtv footage i saw b4.... :)

littledigitalartist said:
hey i wanna join too.... for your photography trip

Anytime, its the holidays anyway.

Thanks people, you guys seem to like the toning I've done alot. I'm intending to blow up #4 and frame it, not sure where to put it in my flat though. I've printed some fotos, and they look gorgeous in print. Cheers.

I'll post more once I get my lazy butt moving.


Outta curiosity, what's the meaning of 전동?

And where is this 일는 호수?

Haha.... honestly, I forgot. I typed them some english word into the translator, just for that korean feel to the image.

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