A Photo Whenever Possible

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Haven't been here for a while and now that CB6 is happening again in September, it sort of trigger memories of my friends from Clubsnap, prompting me to post here again. Since our CB5 in Siem Reap last year, I have been returning to Siem Reap almost every quarter where we conduct Photo-safaris for PhotoMalaysia newbies wanting to learn photography with such an exotic background.

Here are a few pictures from the several trips we've made to Siem Reap this year. The picture below is that of a Khmer bride. I was walking to the river when I chanced upon a wedding ceremony being conducted in a small temple. The bride and the bridegroom were saying their wedding vows, and to make this picture, I shot blind with a P&S by stretching my hand with the camera to be low between the couple and the priest, and reeled off a few shots in RAW.
This is one of a few which I liked, that was usable. Moral of the story is, never underestimate the potential of a P&S. Its the six inches behind the lens that really counts.


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welcome to apad!!! very nice works... :)

welcome to apad, don't forget to include the date of the post ;)

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