a-photo-a-day for 2006

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Stereobox said:
or Gimp (but personally i hate the interface)

but actually she needs photoshop to open and edit NEF files. somehow there's error in both nikon and photoshop for her :dunno:

her camera broke...haven't repair for her yet :sweat:

and she refuses to use mine cos she 'don't like it' :bsmilie:

it's not my camera, it's my auntie's ( that make it even worse :cry: ) and stereobox' PnS somehow doesnt like me ( NOT I DONT LIKE IT - the camera simply dun want to friend me. I personally think camera is a friend that help me choose ingredient when shopping around buy material in order to cook my cuisine. Some camera simply know what I like to cook and what kind of ingredient I prefer which may different from another - while some not. No offense to stereobox' camera tough. It did a pretty job at Chinatown ;) Just that 'something is missing' when I have been walking around wif this buddy and need to change to another buddy )

I have few NEF file ready to post processed however somehow my PS cannot display NEF and it make selection a huge nightmare ( since AngelZhou very kiasu like to take around 50 images to get 1 image correctly )

zaren said:
on one hand it's disheartening not to have a fav cam or software available...but on the other hand it's an opportunity to see how one can shoot in adversity. much more of a challenge, and mebbe much more of a self discovery as well. i'm also confident she can go on! ;p

zaren is right, just Angel is too lazy to adjust herself to a new things if she already feel comfortable for certain things. It's like i'm so happy wif D70S so I lazy to use another DSLR. I'm very familiar wif my auntie's olympus PnS and somehow lazy to learn to use another PnS.

Wow, im a very lazy gal :embrass:

Stereobox said:
somehow, working together on this project has given each other yet another dimension and perspective (eg from the kind folks on the APAD project) to our relationship :)

cannot agree more on this one :D i'm so happy you agreed when i asked you to do this project together :)

btw :hearts: the cheesiest smily ever invented :sweat:

AngelZhou said:
the olympus tragedy hor :cry:

oly is not that bad lah...

i used a oly C4000 b4 my current oly 5060 and they never gave me any problems at all! ;p

zaren said:
as january draws to a close, i would like to congratulate all APAD/APAW'ers for surviving the first month of this project. only 11 more months to go! ;p
Thanks, zaren, for reminding us there are 11 more months to go :bsmilie: Sometimes, it seems like such a huge mountain to climb :sweat:

wiz23 said:
Thanks, zaren, for reminding us there are 11 more months to go :bsmilie: Sometimes, it seems like such a huge mountain to climb :sweat:

*still in Memoirs of a Geisha mode*

we must be like water. flow around the mountain, or cut through the mountain.

*M.O.A.G mode off*


Stereobox said:
*still in Memoirs of a Geisha mode*

we must be like water. flow around the mountain, or cut through the mountain.

*M.O.A.G mode off*

piangz! :bsmilie:

Stereobox said:
*still in Memoirs of a Geisha mode*

we must be like water. flow around the mountain, or cut through the mountain.

*M.O.A.G mode off*


water is flexible. If they are in pushed in critical condition, they will try to find its own way to escape ( if i dont remember it wrongly =p )

AngelZhou said:
water is flexible. If they are in pushed in critical condition, they will try to find its own way to escape ( if i dont remember it wrongly =p )

can evaporate also ne

Stereobox said:
can evaporate also ne
whatever. Anyway i go back to work again. Talk to you later if i can managed to somehow magic all my homework done.

Tomolo wake me up at 8.30 am can?

zaren said:
surely u were not thinking of charging ur honey! :nono:

oh no..i wouldn't dare. but my 'business partners' might ;p

Hmm..... Wonder wanna join in the fun or not. After all its Feburary liaoz. :think:

But I'm not really shooting as crazily as last year so I'm wondering if its ok putting up past and 'expired' photos. :think:

jsbn said:
Hmm..... Wonder wanna join in the fun or not. After all its Feburary liaoz. :think:

But I'm not really shooting as crazily as last year so I'm wondering if its ok putting up past and 'expired' photos. :think:

join lah....it's an experimental project, so AnYTHING goes! :D

AngelZhou said:
then time to say,


u sound fiercer than donald trump! :eek:

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