A confused 24 year old and a below average police/intelligence agency


Senior Member
Feb 24, 2005
Confused 24 year old idiot:
- thought he was "brave" shooting 3 year old boy and a 7 year old girl, besides others.
- felt "powerful" with a Colt 45 pistol and AK47 rifle
- claimed to do all this in the name of Palestinian children and got roundly rejected by the Palestinian PM
- was desperate for attention
- completely had no sense of right and wrong
- in his confused stupidity shot 3 soldiers who were of the same religion that he claimed to be fighting for
- left countless clues because he really wanted to be caught and then get the media attention he craved

Below average police/intelligence agency:
- 300 police surround 1 man and cannot even arrest him for 2 days. On TV you can see many of them are overweight and obese.
- how can someone go to Afghanistan for terrorist training and not be monitored. He already had many criminal records for theft.
- how can the confused 24 year old idiot get hold of Colt 45 pistol, AK47 assault rifle and other firearm weapons and the police are clueless?
- want to arrest him alive but end up killing him
- when the 24 year old idiot sent an internet email to make appointment to buy motorcycle from the solider victim, the police missed this lead, before the next school shooting
- after the school shooting when he rode the motorbike, there were no police patrol cars that can be notified by radio to pursue him?
- if want to arrest him alive when he is trapped in the ground floor house, so simple. Just seal up the windows and main door with metal plates and leave him inside for 1 month until he starves nearly to death.
- or use Russian special nerve gas (used against terrorists in 2005)
- if 300 police cannot handle the 24 year old idiot for 2 days, let Israeli Mossad and Israeli anti-terrorist squad do it. They will do it in 5 minutes.

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Remember, it's not Singapore over there. They cannot track and trace every person who flies to india or pakistan just because they might head into afghanistan. Also, the government there does not monitor every email for certain keywords.

And in Europe, guns are cheap and easy to buy. No way for the police to know or trace.

Again, do not apply the singaporean sense of security and "we will do what is needed" police/govt approach to other countries - it has no relevance, really.

like your first sentence!

Remember, it's not Singapore over there. They cannot track and trace every person who flies to india or pakistan just because they might head into afghanistan. Also, the government there does not monitor every email for certain keywords.

And in Europe, guns are cheap and easy to buy. No way for the police to know or trace.

Again, do not apply the singaporean sense of security and "we will do what is needed" police/govt approach to other countries - it has no relevance, really.

i believe that there are valuable intelligence to be gathered from the victim if he were captured alive. and i also believed that this is the preferred option for the french police. death man tells no tales. however, this option cannot be pursued at all costs. ie. kill him if you need to.

Below average police/intelligence agency:
- 300 police surround 1 man and cannot even arrest him for 2 days. On TV you can see many of them are overweight and obese.

Hey, it's the french. They're probaby on strike?

Police is not executioner :(

They are suppose to arrest the criminal alive and bring him to trial.

This is not like the comic book Judge Dredd
Judge Dredd - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Dredd is an American law enforcement officer in a violent city of the future where uniformed Judges combine the powers of police, judge, jury and executioner. Dredd and his fellow Judges are empowered to arrest, sentence and even execute criminals on the spot.

Police is not executioner :(

They are suppose to arrest the criminal alive and bring him to trial.

Dude, he was shooting at the police as he tried to escape. In that case, it's ok to shoot him. Or should they all just allow themselves to be shot until he runs out of bullets (he had a lot of ammo btw)? Please read up before making statements like that. And best to read things other than comic books.

It's very easy for Singaporeans, in our small, easily monitored (in fact over-monitored), easily controlled/locked down, relatively gun-free society, to be keyboard warriors and say "they should do this! Why did they not do that?" without realizing the world outside Singapore is very different.

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Hey, it's the french. They're probaby on strike?

The French were the first to establish a 35-hour workweek. By surrounding the suspect for 2 days, the officers have probably gone into OT. 48-hour work! That's not acceptable!

Dude, he was shooting at the police as he tried to escape. In that case, it's ok to shoot him. Or should they all just allow themselves to be shot until he runs out of bullets (he had a lot of ammo btw)? Please read up before making statements like that. And best to read things other than comic books.

It's very easy for Singaporeans, in our small, easily monitored (in fact over-monitored), easily controlled/locked down, relatively gun-free society, to be keyboard warriors and say "they should do this! Why did they not do that?" without realizing the world outside Singapore is very different.

Under certain situation, the police are allow to use deadly force. I have no objection to that.
I am replying to TS, who feel that the police should not waste 2 days trying to arrest him and instead the police should just go in and shoot the criminal dead.

If the guy shot dead by police is not the correct guy. It will be an major embarrassment to the police and the police will be accuse of human right violation.

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It will be an major embarrassment to the police and the police will be accuse of human right violation.

Correct, and that's why they waited 2 days... Of course they would prefer to arrest him, but he decided to come out, guns blazing.

French intelligence slammed for failure to stop al-Qaeda killer Mohamed Merah

Since the DCRI was following Mohamed Merah for a year, how come they took so long to locate him?

One press report said that in 2010 Merah forced a youth to watch videos of al-Qaeda hostage beheadings. When the boy’s mother complained, Merah allegedly attacked her, putting her in hospital for several days.

Merah allegedly later went into the street outside the women’s house, wearing military fatigues and brandishing a sword, shouting “I’m with al-Qaeda,” the Telegramme newspaper reported.

A criminal complaint was lodged and police interviewed the woman but apparently there was no follow up.

This is not the personality profile of a silent lone-wolf. This is a self-aggrandising-attention-seeking-low-IQ type of person who is easily manipulated by masterminds behind the scenes. The police wanted to capture him alive so they can interrogate him on those terror links. How was he able to go night clubbing, buy cars and weapons? Who was funding him?

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How was he able to go night clubbing, buy cars and weapons? Who was funding him?

No special funds needed. All of this is cheap in Europe. It's only SG where all this is crazy expensive.

Now they have reacted strongly. So if you are travelling in France be careful which sites you surf, even if you were innocent and only curious.
They are not talking about leaving emails or sms. Just surf the site to view only and you are in trouble.

“From now on, any person who habitually consults websites that advocate terrorism or that call for hatred and violence will be criminally punished,” Sarkozy said in a televised address after police shot dead an al-Qaeda-inspired gunman who had killed seven people.

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Now they have reacted strongly. So if you are travelling in France be careful which sites you surf, even if you were innocent and only curious.

Do note the term "habitually"...

I don't think anyone can get more fail than letting a physically challenged terrorist mastermind escape from a maximum security detention facility under guard by some of the world's most feared mercenaries.

Even Michael Scofield is impress. :thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:

No no...wait, it was not the commandos, but rather a new special operation force that handled the hijacking...
What......commandos took the credit for the hijacking incident for so many years?!

1 CDO BN was the subject of controversy in 2003 when it was barred by the Ministry of Defence from the annual Singapore Armed Forces Best Unit Competition, due to the discovery of irregularities in late 2002 within the logistics records of one of the sub-units of the battalion. There were also discrepancies in the individual fitness test scores reported by two of the unit's specialists, who handle the stores. Army inspectors unmasked the cover-up during a logistics readiness inspection at the battalion. The inspection, which assess the level of competence of storekeepers in SAF units, is part of the selection process in the Best Unit Competition.

wth people in our commando unit cheated at ippt? And even cheated at store records?
Really let the nation down.

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