8 Models

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May I ask how much one in Singapore must pay in order to hire a model?
Tran (HCMC)

Hey sok eng, as what some has mentioned, don't think this is your best but then again these are for comp cards so I'm not sure how challenging the pictures can be.. I guess some of the agencies might not be too receptive of that? hee not sure....

anyways did you contact the stylist contact that I gave you? manage to try her out? :)

berryhappy said:
I am getting about the same results with different models. It is consistent but not adventurous.

Oh yeah, that's a sure sign you're hitting a mid-life crisis. Time to reinvent yourself.

Poledra said:
It's amazing how some men from this forum regard everyone else as a 'he'. Is Sok Eng a particularly masculine name?

Anyway, not the best I've seen from you, girl. I still clearly remember your fantastic wedding gown shoot. That one was awesome and it did a lot of things for me. :) This series, (I am most apologetic to say) is just a collection of pretty faces lit up perfectly to me.

P.S: But that model Stacy can really carry off lots of looks well, huh? Saw her on TV and I thought she was just another ordinary girl until I saw her pictures here.


I hope you dont mind a few points (sorry Berryhappy, I digress!):

1. I'm not Chinese so I have trouble distinguishing male and female Chinese names. My apologies I didnt mean to assume.
2. English is, unfortunately, a masculine language, preferring to differentiate male and female as opposed to other gender-neutral languages.
3. I do know, however, that Poledra is a female name in reference to a character in David Edding's Belgariad series (I'm also a fan).

Let the creativity flow! Peace!

Nngtran, I am not sure how much one has to pay to hire a model...I think it depends on the agency, experience of the model, time, purpose etc. Anyone can enlighten?

Currently for me, for models from agencies I work with, they pay a nominal rate to cover costs such as makeup/studio/prints/etc.

bja, yes I contacted her but she's not interested in doing test shoots. The agencies usually give me a free rein...only requirement is to bring out their best features.

Even though the end result looks about the same, every model has their strengths and weaknesses. The challenge is how to cover up the weakness and highlight their strengths.

Thanks Amelia. :)

berryhappy said:
bja, yes I contacted her but she's not interested in doing test shoots. The agencies usually give me a free rein...only requirement is to bring out their best features.

hey berryhappy... ya think she wants to be paid so test shoots might be tough for her.... oo wellll :)

but agencies probably have certain expectations of the pics rite? like if u wanna do a certain weird theme, would they be receptive to it? anyway continue shooting! ;)

Yes, will keep her in mind if commercial shoots are sourcing for stylists.

So far the agencies are ok, I usually give them a variety of images per model...or maybe I'm not very weird in the first place. ;p

I think it's ok to do weird themes, so long the model is still recognisable in the shoot and looks good. ;)

some of your models look they're trying too hard to strike a sophisticated (possibly arrogant) pose, but are failing rather horridly. specifically Chiemi, Stacy, and Lince

Seriously, these pics are very uninspired. seems alittle like trying too hard.(not only the model) dont see how it will help a model's portfolio with this kind of pictures. :dunno: techincally its good... but well... even still life photographs need some artistic intent in them. Especially coming from a pro... unless these are the kind of pictures your clients expect... :dunno:

:bsmilie: :thumbsup:

berryhappy said:
Poledra, do you mean the shoot with Mia? Yes, Stacy is a lot more attitude and versatile. We did a departure from her other pictures. :)
I think it's just a default to use 'he'...not many people checks the nick...unless i change my nick to berrysweet, berrygirly or berrycute. :ipuke:

Yes, I meant Mia. (I was struggling with her name the other day because I thought I remembered her nick/name is something like this: Re....mia.) I still can clearly remember that picture with the book and light from the top. :)

I would love to do a shoot with you if you aren't so busy....

dslang, the intent was not an arrogant nor sophisticated pose.

AA, :bsmilie:

Poledra, thanks! I have no idea how I can never finish my work. :)

8 models are many - like too many flowers to see at one go....

Pix 13 - got me instantly connected to the pic, kind of getting me to look and see quite a while more.

Pix 10 - beri shallow DOF - very, very big aperture or PS effect? I guess more like PS effect. For a contact lens advert perhaps?

Just my amaterish views only.

personally, only #4 caught my eye.. >< amatuer here so please forgive >< but i think like the others have said, techically the pictures are good. but maybe the poses are getting common?? hahx. 0.02 cents.

berryhappy said:
aisama, yes, #4, #6, #8, #11, #12 are fabric backgrounds. Do try home studio photography, it's fun and rewarding! I started about 1 year ago on studio photography. :)

the fabric are from spotlight?

Hi Sok Eng,

What helped me when working with newbie models is to help them pose better. And I do take a lot of inspiration and ideas from dancers. If you have a dancer choreographer friend who can help, maybe that would also inspire the models.

What is lacking, perhaps, IMHO, is the connection between you and your subjects. There is not enough interaction between you and them.

As mentioned, these pictures were well executed.

Thank you everyone for your comments. :)

These are not meant as a series as they are done over time and does not have a coherant thread running through it. Just thought it's less messy to put them all together in one thread.

smallaperture, #10, it should be F2.8 on a 70-200mm lens. The effect was not PSed.
#13, Natalia has a beautiful smile. :)

Vicki, thanks. will note your comments. :)

simon80, yes, fabric from spotlight.

plastic, thanks for the ideas. I do not have a dancer cheographer friend and am not very good with posing. I find that some poses work better with some models than others, so nowadays I leave it to what is more natural to the models or what they are more comfortable with. Otherwise, it tends to look artificial. Will work on it. :)

More then enough to make $$$.

Great photos!

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