8 Milo peng per second ... Thread XIX - All Hail - LOBANG KING!

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let them knoe you are pro mah.

aniway... I shooting in office hours. :devil:

My office got CS people so I better keep low profile there. so far they don't know I am CSer loh. :sweat:

My office got CS people so I better keep low profile there. so far they don't know I am CSer loh. :sweat:

nowonder you call DF... you still keeping them in the dark. :think:

Wahh ... go bo jio :rolleyes:

Alot of canon users here... :sweatsm:

till now i still don't know what is viking leh :dunno:

tis loh.

nowonder you call DF... you still keeping them in the dark. :think:

and best is one of them is actually report under me :sweat:

ok better don't say any more wait later she found out my true id :sweat:

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