40D vs D300. Which one to get?

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Dec 14, 2007
Hi, im a newbie and im considering between the 40D and the Nikon D300. What are the advantages of the two cameras? Which is a better buy? Thank you in advance for the advise and comments. :)

A better comparison to the D300 would be the Sony A700. 40D is not in the same price range, therefore it is a poor choice of comparison.

I used to use the D200 which I assume the feel and handling is similar to the D300 and having owned the 40D I find the fit and finish comparable to the D300. The D300 should be slightly better built-wise in regards to the weather seal etc.

Main differences (D300 vs 40D)
12 mega pixels vs 10 mega pixels
6 fps (w/o grip), 8 fps (with grip) vs 6.5 fps
900,000 pixels LCD vs 250,000 pixels LCD (approx.)
Contrast based AF Live View vs Manual Focus Live View (Unsure whether the 40D can AF as I never use it)
51 point AF vs 9 points AF (numbers of point however do not reflect AF capabilities).

I also assume the D300 has a louder shutter if it's similar to the D200.

I settled with Canon eventually because it has a more competitive and reasonable priced range of pro lenses.

Example: 24-70mm F2.8 - based on B&H - Nikon (US$1700), Canon (US$1150).

I will go for the 40D not because I own one but rather because I would rather invest the extra money saved in a proper L lens.

Both are not newbie cams. But for the D300 the learning curve is steeper, people may end out taking craps instead of pics. 40D is more user friendly IMHO. I don't think anyone can give an accurate judgement except yourself on this. Both are good cams in their own rights. Read reviews on dpreviews.com steves-digicams.com etc and goto the shop, hands on then get it. If you're particular about weight, 40D is lighter.

Thank you for the valuable advice. In this case then, would a 40D Kit II (17-85mm) or a body but getting separate lens be advisable?

i bought mine as a kit ii. if u are new and don't know what you want to shoot, go for the kit ii. the lens will be good for alot of things. if u know what lens u want, then just go for the body.

Actually, I would think Kit I is actually an optically better choice, as the 18-55IS sets an unprecedented optics performance benchmark among Canon kit lenses. It is said to be sharper than the 17-85IS, but of course you lose out on the reach that the 17-85IS has.

I got the kit ii. I suggest you stick with 18-55mm IS since you will quickly want better lenses such as 17-55mm. The 17-85mm is a walk about lens, but it has limited use in low light IMO.

Hi, im a newbie and im considering between the 40D and the Nikon D300. What are the advantages of the two cameras? Which is a better buy? Thank you in advance for the advise and comments. :)

you must first take out a piece of paper drafting your need in shooting before you decide where to begin....if your shooting volumn is light or not plan to commit long to this hobby...even a reasonably good prosumer compact like canon a series...nikon coolpix 5100 series maybe more than sufficient to you.

tackle to your question....if u have budget limit...stick with 40D...if budget not an issue and u truly love solid grabing and control feeling in camera system..stick stick with nikon..nikon brand will never fail you...:cool: i shoot with my f100 and till now i am still happy! solid like tank.

d300 is build and design base on nikon film days F5 and eventually trim down to this size. but still feeling solid. and if u ask me..d300 has a weather seal, which is a strong selling point....it simply means your d300 can under pressure in some extreme weather condition....canon 40d..."ii-lei"...don have.

hope these point help. you must get your hand dirty ..go try at shop and you will find your liking. both maybe truly a solid cam..but may not be cup of tea for u.

you must first take out a piece of paper drafting your need in shooting before you decide where to begin....if your shooting volumn is light or not plan to commit long to this hobby...even a reasonably good prosumer compact like canon a series...nikon coolpix 5100 series maybe more than sufficient to you.

tackle to your question....if u have budget limit...stick with 40D...if budget not an issue and u truly love solid grabing and control feeling in camera system..stick stick with nikon..nikon brand will never fail you...:cool: i shoot with my f100 and till now i am still happy! solid like tank.

d300 is build and design base on nikon film days F5 and eventually trim down to this size. but still feeling solid. and if u ask me..d300 has a weather seal, which is a strong selling point....it simply means your d300 can under pressure in some extreme weather condition....canon 40d..."ii-lei"...don have.

hope these point help. you must get your hand dirty ..go try at shop and you will find your liking. both maybe truly a solid cam..but may not be cup of tea for u.

how many of us shoot in truly extreme weather conditions? :think:

how many of us shoot in truly extreme weather conditions? :think:

u never know some day u might travel to some dessert country or wet weather country like brazil.unless travel is not ur interest and u want to stay in sg.

but better still..singapore is wellknown for wet and high humid condition weather...its still good to have weather seal in your body in case your camera wants to be the "koi" in the pond one day.

u never know some day u might travel to some dessert country or wet weather country like brazil.unless travel is not ur interest and u want to stay in sg.

but better still..singapore is wellknown for wet and high humid condition weather...its still good to have weather seal in your body in case your camera wants to be the "koi" in the pond one day.

theres alot of possibilities that could happen but then again it might never happen. having said that, water can still seep in from the lens mount and hotshoe as well.

d300 is build and design base on nikon film days F5 and eventually trim down to this size. but still feeling solid. and if u ask me..d300 has a weather seal, which is a strong selling point....it simply means your d300 can under pressure in some extreme weather condition....canon 40d..."ii-lei"...don have.

Eh. What kind of extreme weather condition are we talking about? Unless TS has the intention to go to North Pole to photo some polar bears I doubt we need those kind of seal in this case.

40D might not do as good a job as a 1D in terms of weather seal but it does enough. The D300 is not much ahead either of the 40D either.

u never know some day u might travel to some dessert country or wet weather country like brazil.unless travel is not ur interest and u want to stay in sg.

but better still..singapore is wellknown for wet and high humid condition weather...its still good to have weather seal in your body in case your camera wants to be the "koi" in the pond one day.

I think in SG, people need a dry cab more than weather seal. :bsmilie:

If I am a newbie into photography, I would go for entry level dslr like D80, 400D (2nd hand perhaps to save $).

Save the $ for some 2nd hand len, & decide at a later stage if the entry level dslr is sufficient to handle my needs. You do not need to spent a great sum just to get the latest dslr & end up with a kit len.

I got the kit ii. I suggest you stick with 18-55mm IS since you will quickly want better lenses such as 17-55mm. The 17-85mm is a walk about lens, but it has limited use in low light IMO.

Actually i do take a lot of pic with my S5IS but am not satisfied with the high noise in ISO under low lighting (esp indoor). Im not using the in built flash as i feel that the effects are very harsh. Having said this, the S5IS is an excellent camera when the lighting is adequate. My priority is to take pics of my baby girl and currently most of the time is indoor. Thats why im looking for an upgrade. Plus of course a DSLR, there are much more to play with. :D

I got the kit ii. I suggest you stick with 18-55mm IS since you will quickly want better lenses such as 17-55mm. The 17-85mm is a walk about lens, but it has limited use in low light IMO.

Actually i do take a lot of pic with my S5IS but am not satisfied with the high noise in ISO under low lighting (esp indoor). Im not using the in built flash as i feel that the effects are very harsh. Having said this, the S5IS is an excellent camera when the lighting is adequate. My priority is to take pics of my baby girl and currently most of the time is indoor. Thats why im looking for an upgrade. Plus of course a DSLR, there are much more to play with. :D

If I am a newbie into photography, I would go for entry level dslr like D80, 400D (2nd hand perhaps to save $).

Save the $ for some 2nd hand len, & decide at a later stage if the entry level dslr is sufficient to handle my needs. You do not need to spent a great sum just to get the latest dslr & end up with a kit len.

Personally i like the feel of the 40D better than the 400D. Much more solid feel and the speed of the shutter is jus so smooth....

how many of us shoot in truly extreme weather conditions? :think:

I guess its always good to have all the best features. But at the end of the day is all about afforadability.

well, if you have the budget go for the best !! :), but think ya wana consider which lens ya prefer first , i kinda like canon as a brand but somehow feel like the nikon body is better as my sis previously borrowed a D70

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