400D upgrade!

Have you consider the 5D instead. The noise-level is noticeably different if you are using a FF then a crop.

is it good in low light? i heard mark ii beats it hands down on that one, and that's what i'm going to be mainly shooting. i'm seriously thinking about getting a 5d, because i'm not going to lie, a mark ii is going to leave me broke for a very long time :confused:

i wonder if shops still sell brand new 5D...if have TS may wanna check it out. u know, those stock which didn't get to sell. now shld be selling for a much lower price. Sighs...FF is so expensive. i'm waiting for the day FF becomes as affordable as 7D. but i believe that day wldnt come so soon. Canon and nikon are banging on the APSC/DX lenses and cameras. so that means many more years til that day. sighs.....

FF and crop are totally different league all together.

Going into FF means a lot more investment is needed.

But ask yourself, do you really need the FF? If yes, by all means if you can afford.

Back to TS, buy within your means and not to break the bank for anything. Having said that, 400D is a gd backup camera. It's better for you to keep it.

If you are looking for an upgrade from 400D, anything in the xD or xxD series are considered a step up. Buy what you need. :)

is it good in low light? i heard mark ii beats it hands down on that one, and that's what i'm going to be mainly shooting. i'm seriously thinking about getting a 5d, because i'm not going to lie, a mark ii is going to leave me broke for a very long time :confused:

If you are comparing RAW, FF would most likely win a crop. But a camera is not only about IQ.

Oh, sorry. what i meant was dual processor. haha. cant be a dual sensor camera. if it does have. it will be greater than a 1D4

7D got dual sensor meh?? i thought its juz dual processor?? ok...btw 550D claims to have ISO performance like 7D. but u already said u dun like the size. so...that leaves with 7D. 50D sure can't satisfy ur ISO thirst. At ISO 3200...the images aren't always nice to see. ISO 1600 is the best it can do without significant noise. 7D can do 3200 and still look great. so i guess u are left with 7D. 7D + 17-40 + 70-200 f/2.8 + 430EXII....nice! wad u think?

Its a great setup! I would certainly love that. however, i would rather get the 70-200 f/4 IS. it will be much lighter and the IS would give a one stop difference. it would be a perfect choice.

FF and crop are totally different league all together.

Going into FF means a lot more investment is needed.

But ask yourself, do you really need the FF? If yes, by all means if you can afford.

Agree... Actually FF "demand" more from your lenses than a crop.

Hi Anson,

I did considered the 5D. However, the technology is as old as my 400D no doubt it is a FF. The LCD size and the processor is D!G!C 2 nonetheless.

I would prefer something with liveview too. As I usually go to akward angle for my shots. Thanks for recommendation!

FF and crop are totally different league all together.

Going into FF means a lot more investment is needed.

But ask yourself, do you really need the FF? If yes, by all means if you can afford.

Back to TS, buy within your means and not to break the bank for anything. Having said that, 400D is a gd backup camera. It's better for you to keep it.

If you are looking for an upgrade from 400D, anything in the xD or xxD series are considered a step up. Buy what you need. :)

for most weekend warriors (i'm one), a rebel or xxD wld suffice. unfortunately, good EF-S lenses arent cheap. they are as expensive as an L lens. in the end, crop users have to spend huge sums on lenses too. so i think when it comes to high quality lenses...everybody has to make investments. anyway i find that if i am on a rebel, i'd most certainly be forgiven if i use a kit lens. but if i'm on an XXD or more...people will think i'm not bringing the camera to its best if i dun use an L or a top notch EFS. so in this way, i think being on a rebel is good for people like me.

FF and crop are totally different league all together.

Going into FF means a lot more investment is needed.

But ask yourself, do you really need the FF? If yes, by all means if you can afford.

Back to TS, buy within your means and not to break the bank for anything. Having said that, 400D is a gd backup camera. It's better for you to keep it.

If you are looking for an upgrade from 400D, anything in the xD or xxD series are considered a step up. Buy what you need. :)

Actually, YES. i do need a FF.

But due to circumstances. i cant afford one. =(

for most weekend warriors (i'm one), a rebel or xxD wld suffice. unfortunately, good EF-S lenses arent cheap. they are as expensive as an L lens. in the end, crop users have to spend huge sums on lenses too. so i think when it comes to high quality lenses...everybody has to make investments. anyway i find that if i am on a rebel, i'd most certainly be forgiven if i use a kit lens. but if i'm on an XXD or more...people will think i'm not bringing the camera to its best if i dun use an L or a top notch EFS. so in this way, i think being on a rebel is good for people like me.

Sadly, most people look at the equipment thus the need to invest in good lenses. Be it Rebel/xxxD series or xxD series, people still demands the best lens setup. :sweat:

Happen to 1 of my AP, when I was questioned why my AP isn't using the L lenses like I do. :sweat: Btw, he's using 400D + EF-S 10-22 to help me on the wide coverage. Not to kiss up a fuss during the big day, I gladly tell the couple, the 10-22 is one of the best UWA for crop bodies. Told my AP to snap a shot and got the couple to see it from the LCD of 400D. They had nth to say.

Actually, YES. i do need a FF.

But due to circumstances. i cant afford one. =(

Are you doing large prints, need the additional MP count? I guess u are looking at the 5D2? Or you like the DOF on FF? I mean pro or not, doesn't matter. I know of frens who are just causal hobbyist having the 5D2 + the trinity.

Hi RyanG,

I am not doing any large prints, neither do I need the additional MP. I am just looking to reduce the ISO noise level and perhaps the DOF will be a good thing for me too. I am just another casual hobbyist looking for the best for my pictures.

well ts, i'm also a hobbyist....and i wish i was on 5D2 or 1DIV. but however, my budget prohibits me from getting all that. i guess its better to be realistic and get something within our means because after all this is just a hobby. don't wanna tighten my belt because of that. actually getting the 50D + 17-40 has made me tighten a lot and i know how it feels to be spending too much on a hobby when i can't exactly afford it. it's not a pleasant experience because u haf to sacrifice other aspects of your life. maybe a 550D or 60D wld be good for u?

yah, i am still contemplating between a 50D, 60D (if its out) n a 7D
5D2 is out of the league for me. perhaps when I have better financial power in the future I will consider that again. perhaps by then it will be 5D3

I'm under the impression that 5D or any 35mm sensor will give you a hard time when it comes to shooting groups especially in dinners. You'll need to shoot at smaller aperture to get everyone in focus. And usually if they are not lined up in the same plane as your sensor they become out of focus.

However when you do shots of individual and want to knock out the background 35mm is really gd at this aspect.

I'm under the impression that 5D or any 35mm sensor will give you a hard time when it comes to shooting groups especially in dinners. You'll need to shoot at smaller aperture to get everyone in focus. And usually if they are not lined up in the same plane as your sensor they become out of focus.

However when you do shots of individual and want to knock out the background 35mm is really gd at this aspect.

For such events, when crop uses F5.6, FF uses F8.... you just have to turn the aperture wheel... :)

I am just looking to reduce the ISO noise level and perhaps the DOF will be a good thing for me too. I am just another casual hobbyist looking for the best for my pictures.

Have you consider switching to prime? It enable you to use a lower ISO and shallow DOF.

Hi RyanG,

I am not doing any large prints, neither do I need the additional MP. I am just looking to reduce the ISO noise level and perhaps the DOF will be a good thing for me too. I am just another casual hobbyist looking for the best for my pictures.

Then I guess, it's really up to your spending power. Rule of thumb is spending within your available budget.

Reducing the noise level - 50D or 7D has good noise control. Previously used a 50D, now with a 7D, imo, the noise control is good but can't compare to 5D2. You get what you pay.

DOF - Like Anson suggested, get primes. Fast and gives you shallow DOF due to its large aperture.