3600HSD Flash - lack of swivel

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Don't need second person to hold hte flash mah... 1 man also can...

Hold the flash in the left arm, elbows bend 90 degrees, hold carmera with right hand as per normal, support cam with biceps/crook of arm.

But you need to prefocus first, Put the flash in a pocket or something when focusing and framing, the go into the 'entangled arms' pose...

Flare said:
Don't need second person to hold hte flash mah... 1 man also can...

Hold the flash in the left arm, elbows bend 90 degrees, hold carmera with right hand as per normal, support cam with biceps/crook of arm.

But you need to prefocus first, Put the flash in a pocket or something when focusing and framing, the go into the 'entangled arms' pose...

Woah! U very cheem leh.... care to take a shot to show us what u mean?:sweat:

TME said:
Woah! U very cheem leh.... care to take a shot to show us what u mean?:sweat:

Something like tat loh...


Made my 7D gripless to simulate a 5D, and Just imagine the 5600 is a 3600... too lazy to dig out my 3600... hahahha...

You Know the 5D is so much lighter, maybe you can just hold up the 3600 with your left arm... Just make sure you have a pocket large enuff to hold it when you need both hands to zoom/frame/etc...

Wahahaahha.... real funny lar.... your subject die of laughing first...:confused:

Flare said:
Something like tat loh...


Made my 7D gripless to simulate a 5D, and Just imagine the 5600 is a 3600... too lazy to dig out my 3600... hahahha...

You Know the 5D is so much lighter, maybe you can just hold up the 3600 with your left arm... Just make sure you have a pocket large enuff to hold it when you need both hands to zoom/frame/etc...

if u can hold like that to shoot a whole day for wedding, i
:thumbsup: to u!!!!!!:bigeyes:

GENO said:
if u can hold like that to shoot a whole day for wedding, i
:thumbsup: to u!!!!!!:bigeyes:

Hahaha.. this is a bo bian work around for the 3600 mah... if dun have tripod/bracket or someone else to hold the flash, can do like that loh... some more can make your subject laugh...


GENO said:
if u can hold like that to shoot a whole day for wedding, i
:thumbsup: to u!!!!!!:bigeyes:
why cannot? :dunno:

Drudkh said:
why cannot? :dunno:

i not as pro as u mah..........u can hold 300 prime without even the help of the monopod!!

maybe u can help me carry my bag next time when we go outing, at the most i treat u kopi?:bsmilie:

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