20060121 Glamour Quest 2006 Heat 2 @Tampines Mall

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minijuney said:
Gosh i look so ugly from the picture :eek: Haha. Anyway you have nice shot.
Thanks, which photo are you in though :sweat: .

If needed, please PM me your email address, I will email the file to you.

Hmmm.. did someone happen to take a pic of M7 btw...?? ;p

minijuney said:
Gosh i look so ugly from the picture :eek: Haha. Anyway you have nice shot.
u one of the contestant? wat yr no:)

As requested, M7

zcf said:
As requested, M7
hey,, thks alot~~ :D
but then i dunno why the photo of mine looks slpy..though i already tried to open up my eyes.. =\

Which one is you? Not M07 is it? Let me know, I'll see whether I got another shot or not.

;) nah.. its m7 that i wan the pics... but then its when i saw my own pic, then i find that i looked slpy.. ><

but m7 de pics, can i have a better view one? onli him self de.. hee

Wah, one say ugly, one say sleepy? :sweat:

They all look gorgeous to me leh :confused:

Unlikely to have better photo of M7, have to go home then take another look.

May be can ask other photographers?

hmm.. hee.. im the F9 .. out from heats 2 le.. ;(
btw, how to ask from other photographer? im new here.. dunno wats the rule etc. . :eek:

That doesn't not look sleepy to me though, looks OK, actually looks good to me, except may be the posture a bit too "soft".

Take it as an experience, you will get better on next contest, take that they don't include you in semi-final as their lost.

If you ask for a TFCD shoot, you mailbox will be flooded in minutes.

Like what you did, see anyone who is posting for the contest, kindly ask the photographer whether they got any photo of M07 to show, either openly or through Private Message (PM)

Or why don't you ask M07 out, and do a photo shoot for him yourself ;)

sorry, f e n, don't have any good shot for M07.
Got one more for you though.

zcf said:
That doesn't not look sleepy to me though, looks OK, actually looks good to me, except may be the posture a bit too "soft".

Take it as an experience, you will get better on next contest, take that they don't include you in semi-final as their lost.

If you ask for a TFCD shoot, you mailbox will be flooded in minutes.

Like what you did, see anyone who is posting for the contest, kindly ask the photographer whether they got any photo of M07 to show, either openly or through Private Message (PM)

Or why don't you ask M07 out, and do a photo shoot for him yourself ;)

keke.. alrite... hey.. thks for the explaination.. but i dunno wat is TFCD shoot.. -.-" sorry sorry..
=) thks for the pic oh..:D

Have a look at John Tan posts in the same forum, he got nicer photo of you.

TFCD = Time For CD, that's mean (one or a few) photographer will shoot some photos for the model without charging each other, and a CD of the photo will be given to the model. This is to increase the experience and portfolio for both the photographer and the model.

Through I also don't know the detail on Makeup artist and other fees, whether they split it or one side pay all?

oh... thanks for explaining.. =)

Hi Guy, did any one happen to take shots of M10 during heat 2 @ tampines mall? If you do, will you send it me thru my email (punx_eric@hotmail.com)


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