1D Mark IV released!

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but it's not a full frame sensor

Image Sensor Size
1.098 x 0.73 in./ 27.9 x 18.6 mm (APS-H size sensor)

ya did anyone say it will be a full frame camera? the 1DS4 will be full frame hehe...

canonrumors got it right again. Nice.

This is a summary of the specs:

1. APS-H sensor 16.1 MP
2. 100-12,800 native ISO expandable from ISO 50 to ISO 102,400
3. 10 FPS
4. Dual Digic IV processors
5. 45 AF points with 39 high precision cross-type sensors.
6. Video Full HD

Appears to be a promising camera especially if the AF system works as advertised.

Low noise seems to be well controlled too. Check out this amazing video from Vincent Laforet which was shot at night with available lighting only:


Nikon release theirs .... Canon come steal the thunder :confused:

im seriously thinking of makin my switch to canon soon! Canon's skintone is just awesome!!!!

This is a summary of the specs:

1. APS-H sensor 16.1 MP
2. 100-12,800 native ISO expandable from ISO 50 to ISO 102,400
3. 10 FPS
4. Dual Digic IV processors
5. 45 AF points with 39 high precision cross-type sensors.
6. Video Full HD

Appears to be a promising camera especially if the AF system works as advertised.

Low noise seems to be well controlled too. Check out this amazing video from Vincent Laforet which was shot at night with available lighting only:


Cool video, most of it was recorded at 6400!

I think lets not rush to get...let the dust settle, price settle and most of all the 90MB/S write speed card to come down in price too.:bsmilie:

Does the video still have the 4GB limit?

I am keen with the high ISO testing of this new gem.

I think lets not rush to get...let the dust settle, price settle and most of all the 90MB/S write speed card to come down in price too.:bsmilie:

Does the video still have the 4GB limit?

The 4GB limit is not a limitation of the camera, but because of CF cards' FAT32 format which has a limit of 4GB per file.

Interesting that from a marketing perspective it seems the table has been turned upside down. Last time I remember, whenever Canon comes up with something officially, Nikon follows suit after a few days/weeks.

Now it seems to be the other way around... Yeah yeah.. probably just a coincidence.. but interesting one nevertheless.


Take turns to suck us consumers dry. For all you know the bigwigs in nikon and canon share the same account ;)

How much is this fella gonna set us back?

The Canon 1D Mark IV is not going to be cheap. It is due to start shipping in late December with a price tag of U.S.$5,000! That's S$6953.50 or $7,000 at current rates!

Interesting that from a marketing perspective it seems the table has been turned upside down. Last time I remember, whenever Canon comes up with something officially, Nikon follows suit after a few days/weeks.

Now it seems to be the other way around... Yeah yeah.. probably just a coincidence.. but interesting one nevertheless.


Yes that's right and rumours are still circulating about the:

Canon 1Ds Mark 4
Canon 3D
Canon 60D

Interesting times ahead!

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