18-55mm IS Auto focus spoilt..

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New Member
Oct 20, 2008
I went shooting in Sentosa.. halfway the auto focus cant focus at certain length...

Then gradually it cant even focus already =(

Could it be due to the sands?
Anyone send it for repair due to the auto focus mechanism before? :dunno:

I suspect my earlier comments are inaccurate. :D

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my friend 18 -55 IS just sent to CSC for this reason also.. just send it to CSC if ur lens is still under warranty.. they told me that they will do calibration n need 2 weeks working days.. @@"

I brought it to CSC yesterday. They told me will take 5-7 days tops. Then today they smsed me to collect it from them already! One day only! Woots.. and Zero Cost due to warrentee i guess ;)

I brought it to CSC yesterday. They told me will take 5-7 days tops. Then today they smsed me to collect it from them already! One day only! Woots.. and Zero Cost due to warrentee i guess ;)

i think for a Kit Lens focusing issue should be a small matter. thats probably why Canon charged it free. likewise when i sent my 400D in for underexposure problems, it was FOC too.

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