10th CanonGraphers Photoshoot Outing

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Hi I have got a canon DSLR, for P&S, it is a non-canon brand... so can join not?

sure. i've added your name to the list.
feel free to bring ur Eos 30D. it'll benefit the rest of us. :devil:
remember your own memory cards (CF/SD) + NRIC or driving license

feel free to bring ur Eos 30D. it'll benefit the rest of us.

hahaha...slick move! care to do a quick review after seeing it? shame i'm unavailable tom.

krado said:
01. Horsba85
02. Jedi4Ever
03. swimaniac
04. acky3000
05. hazekang
06. kaywalk
07. USM
08. Klose (Tentative Only - I may need to work on Sunday (OT)
09. psyber85 (with a Canon Powershot A540!)
10. philliptan (can go liao! - TechMage, I wanna book the S2 IS!!)
11. Deng Qi
12. RtOaNn
13. Francis Y S Tan
14. Yuan
15. Krado ( Hello Klose! )

Halo lion king :bsmilie:

OT: I m not sure whether to go :sweat:

can one. can one. sure can one.
go go go MTL.

btw, USM tried the 30D with the 17-55mm today @ Suntec.
tis a shame u didnt go, Klose

never go how to try?
such a shame.
anyway OT liao.
meet tml then we talk.

Remember 1300H and Canon DMH next to Bugis MRT station, Raffles Hospital exit.
Bring spare cards (CF/SD) and identifcation (NRIC/DL).

sure... I will bring the 30d and my casio PnS then... see ya :)

ps.. I might be a little late.. say 1315.. rush from church.. can u sms me your number. i'll pm u my hp..

too late to join now?

01. Horsba85
02. Jedi4Ever
03. swimaniac
04. acky3000
05. hazekang
06. kaywalk
07. USM
08. Klose (Tentative Only - I may need to work on Sunday (OT)
09. psyber85 (with a Canon Powershot A540!)
10. philliptan (can go liao! - TechMage, I wanna book the S2 IS!!)
11. RtOaNn
12. Francis Y S Tan
13. Yuan
14. Krado ( Hello Klose! )
15. shocky

Horsba85 said:
can one. can one. sure can one.
go go go MTL.

btw, USM tried the 30D with the 17-55mm today @ Suntec.
tis a shame u didnt go, Klose

Haha :bsmilie: It's not the equipment. It's the photog :bsmilie:

Anyway, I did lots of shopping at SLS. (As usual buying junk that I will sell after a few days)

I dont think I can make it today, got external exams coming up :)

For those still at home you can catch them at chinatown. Just left about 5 mins ago.

Time check now is 1348HRS


I m sick :embrass:



JediForce4ever said:
Get well soon bro!;)

Think i will get worst tmr. Parade :sweat: cannot take mc....

thank you guys for arranging this outing... it is my first of such outings and i see of more to come... enjoyable and no pressure... sweet... will try to find presentable photos to post later... :bsmilie:

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