Been getting quite a bit of request to start up course to teach. But I don't really like the structured method of a course. Thus decided to offer instead 1 on 1 or small group lessons. Whereby student will learn what they wanna know or don't already know. This way will be much beneficial, as different folks have different needs/knowledge/speed of learning.
Thus I am offering lessons in the following. They are basically beginner's level to help folks get a kick start.
2)Audio Recording/Technology
4)Desktop Publishing
5)Motion Graphics
7)Web Publishing.
Drop me a PM or email at pierce@pierceteo.com or you get ring me at 94335776.
Venue will be at my studio. If there are other related topics you wanna learn, feel free to let me know.
Been getting quite a bit of request to start up course to teach. But I don't really like the structured method of a course. Thus decided to offer instead 1 on 1 or small group lessons. Whereby student will learn what they wanna know or don't already know. This way will be much beneficial, as different folks have different needs/knowledge/speed of learning.
Thus I am offering lessons in the following. They are basically beginner's level to help folks get a kick start.
2)Audio Recording/Technology
4)Desktop Publishing
5)Motion Graphics
7)Web Publishing.
Drop me a PM or email at pierce@pierceteo.com or you get ring me at 94335776.
Venue will be at my studio. If there are other related topics you wanna learn, feel free to let me know.