07/07/07 What're You Gonna Do 070707 ?

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Its A lucky day to get married hehe!

I was planning to get married on this day as 7 is my fav no. as I was born on 7th.
But till now... number 8 character don't even have one stroke! :cry: :cry: :cry:
So on this day, instead of my own wedding, I will attend my cousin's ROM in the afternoon.

Anybody wants me? :embrass:

I will pay

7% GST for breakfast
7% GST for Lunch
7% GST for dinner

and wonder how did 66.6% produce 7% 7 days before 070707.

:bsmilie: :bsmilie: lol...

I was planning to get married on this day as 7 is my fav no. as I was born on 7th.
But till now... number 8 character don't even have one stroke! :cry: :cry: :cry:
So on this day, instead of my own wedding, I will attend my cousin's ROM in the afternoon.

Anybody wants me? :embrass:

Have you tried RPCA? Wuff Wuff Ruff Ruff! :bsmilie:

I will be celebrating my 30th Birthday. ;) I am born on 7/7/77. :cool:

Just another day... i dun think much of it... there were 06/06/06, 05/05/05, 04/04/04, 03/03/03, 02/02/02, 01/01/01 (more special right?)...

And there is going to be 08/08/08, 09/09/09, 10/10/10, 11/11/11, 12/12/12 (geez... wonder where will i be then)

Unfortunately there isn't 13/13/13 or 00/00/00... :bsmilie: :bsmilie: :bsmilie:

No assignment on 070707...so i'll most probably at Bedok sports hall for silat finals...:bsmilie:

watch the live earth concert on tv. ;)

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