Recent content by wintertimeinnewyork

  1. W

    Any Recommendation of Photo Printing Shop?

    I've tried Digipro Imaging... The quality of the pictures are *excellent*. Their service is also impeccable! :thumbsup: I've also recently tried Adam Photo. Printed a lot of pictures and they delivered the pictures to my doorstep FOC! The quality of the pictures are above-average... but I...
  2. W

    Camera phone or digital camera?

    I quite agree with zekai. I've yet to own a camera-phone. Think it'll be a fun tool of snapping impromtu moments with friends and/or special ones. But, put a camera-phone in the wrong hands... *shudder* WTNIY
  3. W

    Best Film Camera

    Alamak brudder! You want to tempt me with more film cameras... :sweat: My decision to buy a film camera is not fixed.. I'm still open to recommendations of good film cameras.. but the price range should be ard $150 - $250plusplus (see... I've upped my budget a bit more now). Think I can...
  4. W

    Best Film Camera

    Opps... Forgot to add, I've also printed out this particular thread for my reference and be rest assured, all tips will be tried out by yours truly. Thanks again! :) WTINY
  5. W

    Best Film Camera

    Hello everyone who have been religiously helping me out in this particular thread.... First of all, I must extend my sincere thank-yous to you guys who have been very patient with me and who gave useful advise and recommendations. As promised, I've been tinkering around with my S45 last...
  6. W

    Best Film Camera

    Hi Witness, that's a great idea actually. I would love to join you people during one of your outings. I need more knowledge!! :) WTINY
  7. W

    Best Film Camera

    Hi SilentWave, You're quite right... I've been trying out the suggestions posted by all CLubsnappers on my S45... to improve my handling *skills* :D on my digicam. However, I do want to get a good P&S camera as a back-up whenever my *skills* disappear. WTINY
  8. W

    Best Film Camera

    I'm not sure whtr my S45 got spot-metering. Will check out the manual soon. Thanks! :) WTINY
  9. W

    Best Film Camera

    Nope... Not in NY.. sigh.. but I love NY, who doesn't right? :) The Pod *is* interesting. I had briefly surfed through the site. Tempted to buy it... but I don't think they ship it to Singapore, no? My models are *scared* of me.. LOL! They normally freeze whenever I whipped out my S45...
  10. W

    Best Film Camera

    Hi Witness. You are quite right when you said that results would not be instantaneous, I wholly agree with you. To be frank, I'm *very* intimidated by those big black camera with huge lens.. I'm almost certain that I'll take at least my entire lifetime to be able to capture nice shots using...
  11. W

    Best Film Camera

    I see.. I see. Previously, I got a lil' confused coz Olympus Mju II got several cameras. Yes... You're right. I admit that I having been using my S45 to its fullest (been relying on it Auto & Nightmode functions :embrass: ) I'll try to use play around with my S45 tonight using the spot...
  12. W

    Best Film Camera

    Another good info here LKSC. Thanks. Reading your last para, I usually zoom my lens to cradle just my model's face... Now, I know that the more I zoom, the slower my shutter speed. I learn new things every day. Thanks. :) In the meantime, your recommendation for an Olympus Miu II is noted...
  13. W

    Best Film Camera

    hello lutz, those tips are very helpful. i'm printing them out and will try to shoot my pics tonite using yr tips. will update in this forum of the results. :) WTINY
  14. W

    Best Film Camera

    First of all, rest easy to know I don't feel offended in any way. :) This is a forum and as such, I would love to hear all thoughts to be expressed frankly. I've been frank too in my posting.. in that I admit that I'm in love with my S45 but.. this camera really needs that *extra* effort to make...
  15. W

    Best Film Camera

    Hmmmm. Point noted. What's the approximate price range of a 2nd hand canon slr with a 50mm lens?? But, then again, you have to remember, the person who'll be shooting the pictures is an absolute idiot. :D I have to shout out my RESPECT to all ClubSnapers! You people are terrific &...