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  • Hi Fuwen,

    Thanks for the info. May I know how did you pack or DIY-ed the replaceable batteries to make your own battery pack to power the 3003? I read your post in one of the online forums but did quite get how it was done. Did you retain the original battery pack casing and replace with new batteries? And I just need to look for the similar size and power batteries from Sim Lim Square?


    Hi! Ha ha I am not Rollei expert lah!

    But knowing 3003 well enough I have battery packs using replaceable batteries rather than those with soldered battery for all my 3003/SL2000F bodies. Never get those build in solder type replaced before. Can try Sim Lim square but I am not sure the exact shop. Try asking around in clubsnap, or Fotographfix (62237217), can try asking ricohflex.

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