Recent content by VB2009

  1. V

    Taiwan walk around lense?

    "What to bring for trips?" gets asked around a lot. In general, bring a wide angle to moderate zoom is the best. Anything that you need a telephoto zoom to take is probably not worth capturing :). Of course if you are taking sports or wildlife, then you won't be asking us. I find street...
  2. V

    Any good and free/open source Noise Reduction Software to recommend?

    Unless you have the RAW file, it is almost impossible to do what you stated properly. Noise Reduction software works based on its knowledge of which camera took the image, then it applies NR algorithm to the RAW file to counter the noise. This is because noise created by diff camera has its own...
  3. V

    35L 1.4 or 50L 1.2???Which will be more of a everyday lens?

    The 35mm on FF body of course. There is a reason why compact camera with fixed focal length always have the wide angle lens.
  4. V

    iMac & Spyder

    For iMac, you should use the Spyder3Elite for full calibration as the iMac does not have any external controls other than brightness. The Elite has a function called "Luminance Adjustment Automated for Mac" which the Pro doesn't. And to answer your question, yes, you'll have to calibrate your...
  5. V

    LR Tips Pick the Right Resolution for Printing Photos

    @WhiteFields: I don't know what is S8R, but 1200x1800 pixels at 300dpi is really 4R print size. 300 dots-per-inch means 1200 dots in 4 inches, and 1800 dots in 6 inches. @ExplorerZ: Am giving a general rule of thumb which is easy for me to remember, and hopefully helps others as well. I take...
  6. V

    LR Tips Pick the Right Resolution for Printing Photos

    Easiest way for me to remember is: 1. Think about the size of the print. 2. Resize the image to be 300 dpi x print size. 3. Export the image in JPG and sRGB color, if possible sharpen as well. That's it! For example: 1. I want to print a 4x6 inch hardcopy (4R size). 2. Resize the...
  7. V

    How you cure your BB Virus ?

    "Happiness is not having what you want, it is wanting what you have."
  8. V

    Canon 17-55mm vs Tamron 17-50mm

    I have both the lens that you are considering. Am using 450D. First I bought T17-50 non-VC due to cheaper price and good review. But later I wanted the IS because I always find myself using ISO800 and < 1/30 shutter speed indoors. No regret buying the C17-55, and I no longer ask myself "what...
  9. V

    How do you get this kind of picture?

    I don't think the photo is done using camera filters and lighting only. Most of his photos are heavily touched up with Photoshop. He uses PS like a painter painting art pieces. He even has his own iPhone app called "Best Camera". I know because I have it :). Nice app.
  10. V

    Advice Needed: Canon 15-85mm or 24-105mm lens to add to my 10-22mm on APS-C body?

    Hi, I have the 10-22mm and the 17-55mm combo and found it to be perfect for my need. I usually take family and vacation photos. Main consideration would be the f2.8 and IS on the 17-55mm - the other lens you mentioned can't beat it in terms of IQ either. Try taking outdoor portrait at 55mm...
  11. V

    why picassa is darker?

    Hi, what do you use to export the images? iPhoto? From their sig, I think most people here use Flickr. I use iMac and Lightroom. I shoot RAW, import into Lightroom, then export as JPG before uploading to Flickr... no problem with exposure at all. BTW, export as JPG with colorspace included.
  12. V

    General purpose lens better than 17-55mm?? Pls enter the debate or the lack of...

    What's the reason 17-55mm doesn't satisfy your points #1~#4? What's wrong with buying another one? If you really want something better, don't get the 60D, get the 5D MkII + 24-105L instead.
  13. V

    Canon 550D or 7D to get?

    This is like comparing Collora with Lexus. It all depends on what is most important to you. For video on 7D, check out this article on Engadget: I think 550D will be around the same.
  14. V

    Remove reflections from spectacles

    One good way to avoid reflections on glass and water, and improve color saturation is to use a circular polarizer (CP). Note that you'll lose about 2 stops of light, so either choose a bright place or have a tripod handy when using CP.
  15. V

    Remove reflections from spectacles

    Unless you are trying to remove reflections from the frame, it will be quite tough. To remove reflection from the glass means you'll have to touch up his face!