Recent content by Neuva

  1. N

    S3pro-can it out-shine D2H?

    Posted my WTB thread for so long yeah, but doesn't mean I have offer coming along. All I've got were advises from some Csers whom I've knew here to go for S3Pro instead for better results of colour capability since I am fond of portrait shots but apparently doen't seems to be a good companion...
  2. N

    S3pro-can it out-shine D2H?

    Thanks everyone's response, I am just a hobbyist into sport and portrait, hmm i have 3.5 k to upgrade from my dogy F80, have a tele lens with f2.8. so that was y i started up this thread for a guideline. sorry
  3. N

    S3pro-can it out-shine D2H?

    Although S3pro has only 2.5fps as compared to D2H and other mid-range DSLR, but what other potential does S3pro has as compared to other higher end DSLR. Thanks in advance folks
  4. N

    Sunset @ Changi Broadwalk

    Thanks to poohbear going ard asking for me^^ Hope I din hold up your time that evening. When/where will all ya next outing be?
  5. N

    Sunset @ Changi Broadwalk

    :what: Am a GIRL la.................................................
  6. N

    Sunset @ Changi Broadwalk

    I was unable to join all of you last sat. :( I went out of town on the last minute, only get to return today. Sorry guys. Glad to know that all of you have had a enjoyable evening. I hope to join all of you for the next outing. *speak soon*
  7. N

    Slide Users Gathering Poll

    Hi, care to explain what is a slide film? Is it those normal fuji/Kodak ISO 100/200/400/1600 film?TIA
  8. N

    Sunset @ Changi Broadwalk

    As this is my first time taking snapshot at sunset. Any recommendation on ISO films? Is fUji ISO 400 just nice? I thought of using B&W film, but I afraid it won't turn out good for evening scenes. Can I get ISO 400 and above films from CP?
  9. N

    Sunset @ Changi Broadwalk

    Thanks, you guys will be gather at Changi beach club right? Hopefully will be able to identify in the crowds.
  10. N

    Sunset @ Changi Broadwalk

    Do add me in your list :heart: Will look forward to see you guys there. Need any contacts/particulars?
  11. N

    Sunset @ Changi Broadwalk

    May I allow to bring my sis along? I will be the one hanging around by the camera lar :cool:
  12. N

    Sunset @ Changi Broadwalk

    I am thinking to join. but..all are guys??