D D dave1482 Dec 17, 2008 hi.. is your 80-200 still up for grabs.. am keen at ur bnp... dave - 98592802
M M mud77man Dec 16, 2008 Hi Lau, Thanks for the offer, you're the second highest. Someone just bid BNP and tentatively we will be meeting on wednesday evening. Will keep you informed if the deal somehow doesn't go through. Rgds, HY
Hi Lau, Thanks for the offer, you're the second highest. Someone just bid BNP and tentatively we will be meeting on wednesday evening. Will keep you informed if the deal somehow doesn't go through. Rgds, HY
O O oranglwstw Dec 15, 2008 I bid 680 for you 80-200 lens. I am in Batam currently. I will be back to SG @ saturday night. 90620135 Lau Only for sms
I bid 680 for you 80-200 lens. I am in Batam currently. I will be back to SG @ saturday night. 90620135 Lau Only for sms