Recent content by khooht

  1. K

    Canon G11

    Me too got the G11 recently and it can take good picts if you know the settings.
  2. K

    The H1 Moon

    Thanks. 2nd pict shot with the tele-conversion len? Recently got moon mei?.....
  3. K

    Conversion Lense for H1?

    You can get the Sony H1 tele-len VCL-DH1758 from any Sony. Also, the wide-angle and marco len. Here are some examples I've taken just to test out this tele-conversion len. All tele-zoom picts were taken with max digital zoom. However, for best resolution, advise to max zoom to Optical only...
  4. K

    Sony Cybershot Users Gather !

    F Series (55,55V,505,707,717, 828) 1. art2d2, F828 2. djork, F828 3. beaniecow, F828 4. Inimatad, F707, F828 5. baiyun, F828 6. pianodancer, F828 7. Del_CtrlnoAlt, F828 8. ChengSing, F717 9. curryfish, F828 10. disclog, F828 11. arikevin, F717 12. RAW, F828 13. Nightwolf75, F707...
  5. K

    Cybershot H1

    His name is Alan, a professional and you can find him (nick AAK) in this sony forum His White Paper article is very popular there.
  6. K

    Cybershot H1

    Congrad !!! Very nice work !!:thumbsup: I was at home with my family and too lazy to get my ass out there...;p Your setting at F8, 2 secs, manual setting, Auto WB (Note: Manual advise set to Daylight for fireworks). BTW, did you use a polarizing filter?
  7. K

    Cybershot H1

    too bad not a sunny day. If not the colours would have been brighter.
  8. K

    Cybershot H1

    Keep the photos coming !!!
  9. K

    Cybershot H1

    A Sunday morning sun on a coconut tree at Sembawang Park. [/IMG]
  10. K

    Cybershot H1

    It works !! Thanks to Afbug. Another 2 postings. Hehe...still testing Morning sun on plant on plant
  11. K

    Cybershot H1

    Testing. Not too sure if it is going to work. Sunset from Yishun Dam. [/IMG]
  12. K

    Cybershot H1

    No problem lar. I've made that decision to buy at that price and I'll always respect my decision made. :) So, can charge the 2 different batt power together? Where is the best place to get filters? 58mm right? My old star/UV/skylight/polariser filter all not suitable for H1 len...
  13. K

    Cybershot H1

    Initially wanna wait for the H1 from a shop offering at $700...but really took him abt 3 weeks and still no stock....sian. Lost my cool...:sweatsm: Went to Sitex with my old lady, girl girl and boy boy and grab it at $799 with additional freebies like 256M MS+water bottle+screen...
  14. K

    Cybershot H1

    Hey guys.. How to add pict to msg??:dunno:
  15. K

    Cybershot H1

    Hahaha....I can laugh with my H1. Good zoom, good picts quality, good grip, good ecology, good to play with and ....can't keep my 13 yo girl from shooting with H1 too. Even thou I've given her my Caplio RX....:dunno: :cry: