Recent content by Kai

  1. K

    A80 users...pls advise

    Oh... I get it now... So if I encounter the same situation, I will have to adjust the ISO or f-stop in order to achieve the best result? Thanks for the explaination! :)
  2. K

    A80 users...pls advise

    1/10 F/8 (It's already that DARK... imagine at 1/500... hm...) 1.61 F/8 Is it true that faster shutter must go with lower f-stops? And slower shutter goes with higher f-stops? *Blur*
  3. K

    Band Of Brothers DVD

    Intending to get one too, wonder if it's cheaper over at Bangkok? Original of cos! :D
  4. K

    A80 users...pls advise

    Thanks, slacker. :) Btw, I realised that my LCD becomes very dark when I set to manual mode with very fast shutter speed (1/2000), is this normal? Even the photo taken is in pitch black. Secondly, taking macro is the same too. I set the shutter speed to 1/500 (it remains dark until 5") and...
  5. K

    A80 with ring adapter

    I was quoted $35 by MSC but the stock not here yet... But I guess its a 3rd party too... Anyway, where did you buy yours?
  6. K

    A80 with ring adapter

    Hi, may I know how much is the adapter ring? Thanks! :)
  7. K

    A80 users...pls advise

    Anyone? Thanks!
  8. K

    A80 users...pls advise

    Hi, may I know how much does a A80 lens adapter costs? Thanks!
  9. K

    First Photo with A80

    Thanks people for your valuable input. :)
  10. K

    First Photo with A80

    Tripod is something I don't have at the moment. Will get one in the future. :)
  11. K

    First Photo with A80

    Can you please advise me on how to improve on it? Still a newbie here...
  12. K

    First Photo with A80

    Oops! I'm sorry, I resized the picture already. :)
  13. K

    First Photo with A80

    I can't seems to focus nicely on the keychain as the top left corner of the keychain is blurred... Please advise... :) Also, please comment on the pic.
  14. K

    Car flipped on its side in some accident, crazy drivers

    How can the driver be so careless? :confused: