Recent content by Jus_a_Nick

  1. J

    Guides for Malacca Trip...

    thanks for the prompt reply, wao, 88 dollars to malacca, dun sound cheap to me. i would have tot that the coach is coach alone and it less then 30 sing? maybe i am dreaming....bad.. thanks .
  2. J

    Guides for Malacca Trip...

    hi, sorri for hijacking this thread, but any idea, how much does it roughy cost to travel to malacca from singapore and then also the cost of the bus to KL from there? (in general is malaysia veru acessible by bus?? say timing and freq. sorri i am ready a frog in the well ) and for those...
  3. J

    Will u marry me?

    excellent moment capture. :thumbsup:
  4. J

    Question about my D100

    i mean the above as a test shot to find out abt the nature of your probs, not meant to suggest you to do the above during a real shot. apologies if the previous post is misleading, thanks.
  5. J

    Question about my D100

    mount it on a tripod and focus lock on a single plane object and shoot using shutter release. Then you can eliminate/reduce handshake possibility and check weather it a focusing or sharping prob. do give a try a high sharpening and see what you feel abt the picture also. hope it help...
  6. J

    camera-monitor-photoprinter=calibration ?

    That is why you need to know what type of metering to use and where to do the exposure lock or when to use the exposure compensation when necessary as mention in my previous post. =) cheers.
  7. J

    Question about my D100

    what is the sharping level you use on your D100 and at what aperture and shutter speed do you use?. "not sharp" can be due to several factors, maybe a picture could say more. cheers=p
  8. J

    camera-monitor-photoprinter=calibration ?

    Hi, i do feel that your "subject" if slightly under expose. (Do pardon me as i am viewing from an uncalibrated laptop as present and exact brightness might be a bit off on my screen in the first place.) I believe that the underexposure problems can be look at from several view points. 1...
  9. J

    IXUS 400 Users

    pardon my ignorance,do you mean that ixus have shutter priority as one of the setting? btw to all familiar w the ixus 400,(ixus V3 also can) does the ixus display the aperture and shutter speed after you meter and focus lock on the scene(i.e half press shutter). thanks=p
  10. J

    White Balance Findings

    If you need white as white then shoot using the custom white balance. Actual Day Outdoor Wedding shot in cloudy -3 is to produce a warm effect and to compensate the D100 off camera pictures which in general(to my limited use and knowledge) tends to be cooler. Btw, as Zerstorer pointed out...
  11. J

    How to correct distortion using photoshop?

    what type of distortion do you mean?? if you mean perspective distortion (those that you get from tilting your camera from ground level, common in architecture shots), you can correct it through transform/perspective. cheers.
  12. J

    how did u get the money to buy a d70 ?

    ask yourself what is your current finiacial status, and do you need a DSLR? if you are shooting short of a handful of rolls/ week, there is little reason for a DSLR (IMHO) as by the time you wish to upgrade again, it might not have serve your 2.1k worth. jus my 2.1 cents worth...
  13. J

    What do u like from Mos Burger?

    Fries and ice peach tea =p
  14. J


    of course try to leave it in a drybox if you can, but if there is no way for that, that it jus had to be. When going for holidays my camera also dun have a dry box to sleep in, although well, weather and humilty level plays a part too.
  15. J

    Setting Custom White Balance On 300D

    custom white balance, means "custom" your white balance for the specific light condition. i.e, if you are shooting indoors then you have to "custom" it to the lighting of your house(those flourent lights), and if you are shooting outdoor then you gotta "custom" it to the colour temperture...