Recent content by davidlee

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    Originally Posted by surrephoto Can't believe you still flaming cassey since 2 years ago, or was it 1.5 yrs in your bashing thread which was so long ago I can't rmb. I've never shot cassey before but I see absolutely no reason for you to flame any model/moller/photo-shoot girl on CS organised...
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    kudos to sinned79 for protecting photographers ricebowl

    Times have not change but I hope I have. I was like you once a very proud young man. Then I learn along the way. If you can’t drag a horse to the water, you can bring the water to the horse. Once the horse taste the water, he will surely go there itself. My friend with the restaurant used...
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    kudos to sinned79 for protecting photographers ricebowl

    All photographers, craftsmen and my children are proud of their work until someone outside tell them how good or bad they are. If you are like the proud naked king that demands respect then I feel sorry for you. I have friends that spend more thousands than all the best camera equipment you can...
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    kudos to sinned79 for protecting photographers ricebowl

    Isn’t all these gwc jumping the gun. Just because you have expensive equipment does not make you a good pro gwc. No matter how long you are at it, even after many years does not guarantee you make the grade like any other arts and craft. Just because you spend big bucks getting equipment...
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    24th Sep : JB Day Trip - Jalan/Makan/Shot Around

    Please don’t get me wrong wong_se. Sorry to hijack your thread. You did ask for some suggestions. I hope it is not too late. Is it possible to move the date earlier by a week to 17th September? So that we don’t clash with the F1 which I’m sure lots of you photo folks like to...
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    24th Sep : JB Day Trip - Jalan/Makan/Shot Around

    No wonder Malaysians like to cut up and bump into fellow Malaysians. like Lewis cut and bump Jenson. Nice makan at Sri Pelangi or Sri Tebrau hawker centre.
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    24th Sep : JB Day Trip - Jalan/Makan/Shot Around

    Kulai may be 20mins from Skudai JB but if everyone was at Larkin bus station meeting point, it will need a Lewis Hamilton or Jenson Button as our drivers to get there in 20mins, but I think on that day they will be too busy rushing around Singapore. On a Saturday there is a pasar tani at Larkin...
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    24th Sep : JB Day Trip - Jalan/Makan/Shot Around

    I also think Kulai is abit far. Might waste over two hours there and back if jam. Many local parks nearby. Very good of you to arrange trip for everyone. Thanks wong_se.
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    Day trip to Pontian, Johor - Memories of a Bygone Era (October 22)

    Glad that Bro wong_se aka Michael Lee can get on the list in time. No relation by the way. Enjoy your trip everybody. Maybe wong_se will get you all to meet in JB earlier in September.
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    Day trip to Pontian, Johor - Memories of a Bygone Era (October 22)

    Wow! no room even for Wong_se Full already Long, long, long waiting list I think someone better arrange more trips Malaysia Anybody want to meet me at JB Sentral?
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    Day trip to Pontian, Johor - Memories of a Bygone Era (October 22)

    Looks like there is a pent up demand for trips to JB and beyond. Thinking of getting a seven-sitter at least so that I can dump, deposit or ferry you lot around JB town. Hope something can be arrange soon or this thread will finish up in Kopitiam.
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    Day trip to Pontian, Johor - Memories of a Bygone Era (October 22)

    Full in less than two days. Goes to show that lots more Singaporeans would visit Malaysia if only we can all get our act together.
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    Save the Commonwealth Games

    After the success of the Youth Olympic Games is there any truth that the Queen is thinking of transferring the Commonwealth Games to Singapore from the shambles in Delhi.
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    Why is this thread closed?

    All your above item I would allow on the Kopitiam forum. And once they become photography items in the course of new technology, they should be included in the relevant photography section. The hard disk was not a photography item in the days when it was only a few gigs, but now it very much is...