Recent content by daanis

  1. D

    is it safe to use FX body and lenses to Morocco?

    I went to Morocco many years ago. I had used the 70-200 without any problem. at times, I had two cameras out of the bag. generally, I did not feel the need to worry. but as usual, be careful with everything. Just enjoy beautiful Morocco, and at the same time, be mindful of the surrounding. i...
  2. D

    A Singaporean in Afghanistan

    I salute you for the courage you have. Few Singaporeans would give up the comfort and safety to venture out of the comfort zone. My ex-boss said he drove from London to Singapore, passing through Afghanistan, after he graduated his university studies in London. Afghanistan was (still is, I...
  3. D

    settings for S5Pro for Studio Portraiture

    thank you wheresmycheese and tao. I will try out the settings laid out and see what is best suited. Obviously, there are many ways of doing it. you guys are so helpful. thank you. wheresmycheese, like I said in pm, you have a very nice collection.
  4. D

    settings for S5Pro for Studio Portraiture

    thank you, wheresyourcheese. :) another question would be, if you set at F1b, would it be better to keep at Auto WB or specify the Kelvin, sharpness/tone/saturation? Just to hear your findings and opinions, though I can actually find that out myself. but thank you anyway.
  5. D

    settings for S5Pro for Studio Portraiture

    thank you, again.
  6. D

    settings for S5Pro for Studio Portraiture

    i am too lazy to "play" with the menu. but at the moment, I am doing a studio course and that's the reason for this question. usually, I just leave it to "std" for everything. F2, yes I am aware about that one. Thank you, eejal. I will do the setting for tonight's class.
  7. D

    settings for S5Pro for Studio Portraiture

    yes, I am. Just that I hardly fiddle with the settings much. I have a S2Pro too (love the colour).
  8. D

    settings for S5Pro for Studio Portraiture

    I had read from the manual too, as well in fujifilm website regarding F1b, or F1a/F1c/F1 for portraits. Do I understand, correctly, that once you set to these settings, you cannot change the tone/sharpness/saturation?
  9. D

    settings for S5Pro for Studio Portraiture

    I would like to know what would be your settings for Studio portraiture using S5Pro. Should I use Standard Film Simulation and play around with the settings or should I just use the F1 or F1a or F1b or F1c? I would be more concern with the skin tone, in that, it should be as close as tone...
  10. D

    Botanic Garden

    wow, i love this one.
  11. D

    Fuji Users Gather!

    Fujifilm 2600Z 01. hayoo Fujifilm 2800z 01. pker88 02. lemon3 03. katuun96 04. vincecarlo 05. Wombat_VC Fuji DS-7 01. ninelives Fuji GS 645S, GA645, GW690III 01. F5user 02. Terence Fuji TX-2 01. Terence Fujica ST-801 01. Zerstorer Finepix 4800Z 01. petaflopz...
  12. D

    Urgent!! pls help - Do you need a permit to pitch a tent in ECP?

    of all the campers, she chose you. you lucky one.....
  13. D

    Guess where... part 6

    i say the same too, the Concourse on Beach Road
  14. D

    Going Back to Film

    I use both, digital and film, or rather, slides. i looooove the colour slide produces.
  15. D

    Funny truths about life in small small Singapore ....

    I don't agree with 19, 20. 23 does not apply to us, so i think cannot be in the list. 24 does not apply to every single male singaporean.;) some perform better than others.