Recent content by captiva

  1. captiva

    NEW FIRMWARE 0.5 for NEX 3-5N

    Guys, I am misled by the Sony website too. When I search under 5NK, this firmware appear.
  2. captiva

    NEW FIRMWARE 0.5 for NEX 3-5N

    Sony eSupport - NEX-5NK - Support here is the link.
  3. captiva

    NEW FIRMWARE 0.5 for NEX 3-5N

    No. It's for 5N too. Please go Sony website and click support. When u click the model 5ND, this firmware appear too and indicate its for NEX 3-5 series includes 5N.
  4. captiva

    NEW FIRMWARE 0.5 for NEX 3-5N

    ANYONE TRY THAT FOR NEX 5N? File Description UPDATE NEX-5 Camera Firmware Update Release Date 12/15/2011 Version 05 File Size 61.81 MB This utility updates the NEX-5 Camera Firmware to version 05 and provides the following benefits: Improvements over version 04: •Provides compatibility...
  5. captiva

    Dry Cabinet for Sony NEX-5N

    Yes. They normal display on the shelves.
  6. captiva

    Dry Cabinet for Sony NEX-5N

    Just go any photo shop they sell. One bottle cost 4.50-$5.00 It's available almost everywhere.
  7. captiva

    Dry Cabinet for Sony NEX-5N

    Haha...bro..there is something call silica gel where it will absorb the humidity inside the box. It's very cheap and can recycle too. Dark blue in color and will turn pink.
  8. captiva

    How to set self timer for 5N?

    Bro, thank for your detail explaination. I learnt something new which is I can go into the 'option' which I am trying very hard to find. At least you know what I need. Bro thanks once again.
  9. captiva

    How to set self timer for 5N?

    Dear experts, I need help on the above. Been playing with the camera and I don't know how to set self timer to take photos while in tripod. Can experts guide me? Thanks.
  10. captiva

    Dry Cabinet for Sony NEX-5N

    35 at mustafa. Samurai F580 A small one is 25.00
  11. captiva

    Dry Cabinet for Sony NEX-5N

    I bought a big made in Taiwan dry box for my 5N instead. Too exp for a electronic dry cabinet.
  12. captiva

    Pictures from Nex-5N

    Anyone can teach me how to set self timer for my 5N. Thank alot in advance. Sorry to post a newbie qns,
  13. captiva

    Courts selling NEX-5ND at $1299

    Anyone can teach me how to set self timer for my 5N?
  14. captiva

    Courts selling NEX-5ND at $1299

    Sls is a place very famous for notorious carrot chopping.
  15. captiva

    Courts selling NEX-5ND at $1299

    SLS, i don't trust those shop. Except for one shop at level 5.