Recent content by 9mm

  1. 9


    Haha... Didn't know that
  2. 9


    Thanks... You actually read my profile...
  3. 9


    Dear student, You are right... Like driving, I am prepared to pay. TFP will not work for me now Like I mentioned, I do not have portrature experience. I do not mind hiring a professional, but would that also be "copying his style?" I have read the critique section, and it seems that "one...
  4. 9


    Want to ask for opinion. I am newbie photographer, just upgraded from traditional manual SLR to Nikon D70. I have no experience in taking models, although I am required to take photos of my gf once in a while. She does not know how to pose, and I do not know how to tell her how to pose too...
  5. 9

    lending of cameras...

    do u need a 9mm appliance?
  6. 9

    *wave* Greetings!!!

    Remember those days when handphones look like water bottles and come in black? Well, we are far from those days. If you are entrepreneurial, you may even want to negotiate with the camera companies for rights to manufacture camera covers... Then your 20D can be pink!! And you'll be RICH...
  7. 9

    New to Forum and New to Digital SLR

    I find that there are as many Nikon as Canon users out there. How to come to my own conclusion? I have the FM2: Should I stick to Nikon? Maybe wait for the D50? Or get a 8mp Canon 350D? I was pretty sure about a week ago to get the 350D... Now seems that the more I read, the more I am...
  8. 9

    New to Forum and New to Digital SLR

    Found out: 1. D70s: 1888 with kit lens 2. 350D: 1999 with kit lens + 1GB CF card Question: Can anyone comment how the Nikon's kit lens is "better" than the Canon's one? In terms of reach? OR?... Please help... otherwise I may buy the 350D and regret later...
  9. 9

    New to Forum and New to Digital SLR

    Dear all, After all comments and trying out all the cameras, I have decided to go for the Canon system, namely the 350D. I like it precisely because of its small size, which, I have read in other parts of the forum, does not go well with a lot of people. Now... to find time to go down to...
  10. 9

    New to Forum and New to Digital SLR

    Couple of things I need to check with you pple: 1. Yes, read on the megapixel myth. Higher does not mean images better. But higher means can crop more. Correct? 2. Found out Alan photo is in Sim Lim. Well..... Sim Lim.... Who do I contact? Or is it a "to-avoid" shop? John 3:16, hmmm...
  11. 9

    SLCC : 15th Basic Photography Course

    Dear course organiser, I have yet to receive a reply to my queries... In case you have forgotten... Thanks
  12. 9

    New to Forum and New to Digital SLR

    Hi Ah Pao, Thanks for your inputs. The only reputable camera shop I know is Cathay Photo, and when I went in today during lunch time, there are loads of people and everyone ignored me!! Is it always this crowded? Or are there any other shops to go to? I am quite fearful of Sim Lim. In...
  13. 9

    New to Forum and New to Digital SLR

    Thanks to all... PC show only limited to this weekend? Will it be on during the weekdays? Cos every weekend busy leh... Or must really find time to go?
  14. 9

    SLCC : 15th Basic Photography Course

    Does your course venture into DSLR? Cos I was using FM2 until about 4 or 5 years ago, and am looking to buy my first DSLR. I am looking for a course that teaches the rudiments of digital photography, including proper post-processing. Wondering if yours is the correct one??
  15. 9

    Looking for photographers

    Is this what CS is? Wow... That's scary... I'd rather do my own brand of shooting..... Sorry for the invasion....