Windows to Her Soul

Hello Virgo bro, thanks for the valuable and thoughtful advice. Am still processing some pics, and def will keep your comments in mind during the processing. :D Meanwhile, looking forward to see your other Marilyn pics, she is a very sweet model too :)

You're welcome bro. Looking forward to see more of your pics of this lovely model!

Did you get to shoot Marilyn too? I'm sure you'll enjoy the shoot if you have. Hope she didn't complain to you that I'm taking too long to process her pics! :bsmilie:

Hey...I can see you are trying out new things...getting out of the box. Very nice idea out there and NICE TRY! :) Well...there is nothing wrong venturing for your own style. Don't give up...keep going as you are doing great! :) All the bez in your portrait photography journey!

woohoo thanks for the encouragement!!! certainly heartening to hear that from u :)

same here. i dont like the blurred shots and the one in the yellow cab. I love the highkey ones though...

really? i think lighting is harsh specially under the cheek bone... the skin over exposed... in my opinion.

Thanks.. you referring to the the shot she holding the shoe up? I like that but I will redo it I guess, too many blown parts on the dress.

You've got a great model there bro. :thumbsup:

For #1, I'm sorry can't appreciate it. It causes a spin on my head for the background. However, the feel of the subject is great. Still a good photo nevertheless.

For #2, I'm a sucker for high key shots, but there's too much burn out areas in this. It's a great photo (for me at least) if you can get those burn out areads well exposed.

#3, my fav shot of the lot. Great feel, exceptional composition.

#4, not a bad shot at all! One nitpick is to control your flash so that the model's forehead is not overly exposed.

Overall, a very unique series with a wide variety of shots. :thumbsup:

Hi Virgo bro, unfortunately I cldnt save #2 :cry: the original raw image already had the blouse blown.. sigh.. sorry

You're welcome bro. Looking forward to see more of your pics of this lovely model!

Did you get to shoot Marilyn too? I'm sure you'll enjoy the shoot if you have. Hope she didn't complain to you that I'm taking too long to process her pics! :bsmilie:

No i havent shot Marilyn before, but she looks really bubbly and promising. maybe sometime i hope to meet her too.. :)

I like the lights for the yellow cab photo! Very nice!

I thought the first one's actually pretty nice... there's enough focus to keep me occupied.. but i do admit, staring at it for long does make me feel a little woozie... but i still like it..

And.... probably my favourite of all is yellow cab pizza co. :D

I like that... A LOT

Thank you, Zahne and Ejun. That is my fav of the lot too.. I love wide angle portraits, though its not everyone's cup of tea.. composing them is very difficult though, all surrounding elements had to bring the focus onto the model..

the colors was done with photoscape and photoshop :)
